
Can we expect some new announcements? Like a proper Code Geass 3rd season trailer or something, instead of a montage of deleted R2 stuff?

Because of the bald guy in the blueshirt? I agree its a really nice shirt.

Now playing

Pssh, they have yet to analyze the Kunckle puck tho.

It’s no less plausible than a terrier, a top hat, and a boot (a bloody boot)!

So the original Monopoly was also mis-thought, considering a car, a dog, or a top hat can also be “property barons?”

Right on the mark. This was a huge stretch to begin with, but I don’t think it’s the localization team’s responsibility to be worry about totally innocuous statements being construed the wrong way.

It’s the job of localizers to understand the context of their translations. Yes, Watergate kicked off the “gate” phenomenon, but GamerGate is fresh in people’s minds. Though the placement of the screenshots on social media proved more provocative than what’s actually in Paper Mario, if you’re familiar with gaming’s

Yep we messed up there. Mouse and keyboard support now added.

Metroid is my favorite game series of all time. I’m a guy. I don’t need the character I’m playing as to represent my gender. That’s the point of the roleplaying.

I’m fully up for having female main-protagonists, but I see no reason for an existing and established character to have his gender changed just because #equality.

oh... you, uhh, caught that huh?


oh my god, oh your god, oh his god, oh her god
It’s everybody’s god, it’s everybody’s god, it’s everybody’s god


We finally made it...


Am I the latest

Haikus are easy
Five Seven Five
It’s snowing on Mount Fuji