

Hasn't anyone modded the pc version to look prettier? (Honest question)

Doesn't need to be with Jimmy or Bullworth Academy. It could be as another story in other town (as GTA games share very little links too)

Can we get a sequel now?

That... could be interesting.

I'm like 4 or 5 episodes into "spread WIXOSS" and it's going strong as the first season. I hope you enjoy it later. It's a really cool anime that more people should watch.

Selector Infected WIXOSS: One day, a friendless young girl finds that she is a “selector,” a girl entered into a card game tournament where, if she wins enough, her greatest wish will be granted. Of course, things are far from what they seem on the surface as both winning and losing carry dark consequences all their


Regardless, we contacted Konami to ask about Kojima's shirt, and will update you should we hear back. Right now, it's clear that even if the shirt turns out to not mean anything, it's still very fun to talk about it.

For me it looke like Epona would always ride in the direction that you are facing (or the direction of the marker, couldn't tell) and avoids obstacles like trees automatically. But still you can change direction anytime (that makes me think that it goes straight but not automated to your destiny)

Yeah. Except for the card game that seems like random rules all the time, but it isn't the main focus of the series to know how it works.

WIXOSS, a good choice.

Creepy moon is creepy.

Goof Troop, the boopinest game ever.

I was mostly creeped out by the heavy breathing during the whole video (it's something that gets me on my nerves for no apparent reason) but his reaction at the end was priceless.

It was weird that they wouldn't say it in the video, as I thought that the whole knowledge of the GCN/NGC thing was attached to knowing that it was because of the Neo Geo Color (I even read it years ago in the official Nintendo magazine from Latinamerica, Club Nintendo)

Not even halfway through all these songs, but I'm already loving it. There are a few that are not my style (obvious, as 101 songs can't be all to my liking) but overall they are very good. A shame that a couple of them have some bad recording issues.

I vaguely remember this show, but what I do remember is that it was indeed awesome.

Oh, sorry, didn't mean to say that GameMaker is bad. But yeah, I was mostly thinking on the GameMaker version of that time. Still, if they can make their own thing (based on what they need) it's still cool that they are doing it.

So, my memory is no that good.