
Oh, that's nice to hear (and I remember your name too)

Yeah, I remember the fake death. Apparently there was too much pressure and bug problemas around it. Still, my interest in OoT 2d by that time was low, but I still liked the community and other projects (more on the pixel art, map reimaginings and sprites side)

Oh, the fake-death thing was really really bad. i kinda remember it now (not all the details, but the downfall of the project)

Nah, I never fell to the illusion that those projects would get done, but many of them had some demos going on and some talented people working on them. Still, I went more to the pixel-art and sprites section, and talk with people and stuff. Even tried to do some sprites and got some feedback on it. For me it was a

Man... seeing the sprites made by MaJoRa brings back a lot of memories...

*pat pat*

You win


As me and my friends mostly played Smash Bros at my house, I would make them forget about the idea of "Final destination and no items" of playing all the time. Plus, Max items =)

I'm liking the idea (from that quote, and the general vibe I'm getting from the article without reading the whole thing on Polygon) that Blizzard can allow themselves (and approve) having a project in the works for so much time and trying to make it fun and work, but at the same time scrap the idea just because it

Shinra uses its original architecture to offer games with the power of a "virtual supercomputer," thus enabling radically new experiences not possible on PCs or game consoles. All games are streamed as video, and Shinra requires no particular hardware to play its games. Furthermore, Shinra has partnered with

Yeah. It was the first stock sound that I came aware of (not at the time, as I was really young, like 8 or 9) but because I would hear it every time I launched the game, it got really deep in my memory, and when I hear it somewhere else it goes back to this inmediatly.

Now playing

When I heard that stock laugh all I could think about was this

Haven't played it yet, but this seems to be the most buggy release of a Sims game.

From what I remember, they usually get buggy when the expansion packs (now DLC I guess) started to mess with stuff (I remember being unable to get married after a few expansions (it got ridiculously hard) on Sims 1, and had to use the

Quick! Put that demon baby in the inventory!

Oh, didn't mean that you weren't right. That's why I said that the bigger the audience the more idiots that go on a rage for stupid things.
And with 30million subs, thing surely get out of control pretty fast.
Still I've seen other fanbases get pretty hurtful, and even have the nerve to say "Pewdiepie fans are

ohhh man =(

Sounds like those pesky babies are giving the developers a lot of problems! Well, at least we know that EA wasn't kidding when it explained why adding toddlers to the new game was just to tricky to pull off in time for its release this week.

His annoying die hard fans (because there are a lot of cool bros too) are as bad as his hardcore haters. And that goes to any fanbase/dedicated trolls.
I've seen too many occasions that just the mention of PewdiePie (or Markiplier, Game Grumps, or any other LPers) in any other channel or media gets them rabid and