
I think that even though the engine demo goes for the realistic look, it could be used for others types of game in art-style. As the engine shouldn't decide how do you want it to look but give you the tools to look good. As in, Unreal Engine (wathever number they're on) can be adapted to not so realistic looking

Can't wuite remember, but my firts two anime (before I knew the term anyway) were Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball (original, not Z) and I loved them. THere were also Sailor Moon and other stufff on tv, but Saint Seiya was my main obsession (and it still is)

Oh, then this guy is really cool. Hope he manages to finish it (though it seems pretty hard to complete such a big project)

Shenmue had an in-game arcade machine of Magical Taruruto-kun?

I knew that I was missing some good stuff because I never played the original Shenmue...

Who needs a map?

This is the internet son. No jokes allowed. All serious business

in the butt?

I was about to ask "Doesn't ESPN broadcast Poker Tournaments?"

Nice response to a comment that sure does appear too much more often than it should.

This makes me feel so happy =)

Don't be greedy, it's impossible to have two good things.

Everybody was probably working at home with Google and makin tons of money. Too much work to do and no time for Kotaku.

Don't listen to them, you made the perfect choice with that theme.

Definitely not their style. Nintendo has a tradition of not showing too much of a game unless it's pretty close to final, and they have their standards of quality. E3 was proof of that. Besides the tease of the Open-world Zelda, Aonuma didn't want to talk about it, I assume, 'til they have solid gameplay and story

"What's interesting is that when we were working on the Wii with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, I was certain that I was going to start playing with the Nunchuk in my right hand and the Wii Remote in my left hand," he said. "But ultimately I didn't, because partly I found it easier to play with the Nunchuk in my left

This, this, and this

No Contra makes me a sad metalhead, but it was a nice medley with very good selections. Loved the Mario Galaxy segment.

FX Futbol 2.0 changed it's name to FX Eleven when it went to Steam after it's release (and uses it as the official name since that moment as far as I know)