
It conceals your URL and puts a bunch of junk links over the URL bar that you cant remove. I uninstalled it shortly after installing it. Maybe I'll go back to Omnibar.

Just another reason for me to love Virgin Airlines.

Seriously blurry results. It's got a lot of work to do to make it really useful. Not to mention they have an option to turn on audio because "may reduce framerate".

What time do you think we should start queueing for this? this will be my first PAX.

It's in toronto.

if they added that id have no reason for sbsettings.

you have to reset network settings. in your settings app.

and it works really well. my cousin just got one, and its really high quality.

Anyone have a windows mirror? I've been on 4.0 for too long...

Is there any way you can link to the levels on lbp.me when you show these? that would make it super easy to queue them up to play them.

@cinnamonster: I see what you did there... and I like it :)

please consider a promotejs link on these JavaScript tuts. A site like yours would really help them out:

@916CALLTURK: pirating cydia apps is much harder than their app store counterparts.

No trial = Me not paying $5 to test it out.

@BadFloppy: answer sms: buy Tlert. it allows you to respond to texts while inside any other program!

@xxdesmus: i just downloaded tlert for texts and its amazing, texting in any app!