
@Ghede: it could also be your ISP capping your bandwidth. i have problems with YouTUbe 720P on a 15MB/s Down connection through time warner. but HD 720p video from Vimeo works perfectly.

@ZFK: MyWi is awesome too. i can connect unlimited (had 2 so far), connections at once.

@FriarNurgle: +1. 2GB of data gets eaten up faster than cookie monster eats a cookie.

Fuck this crazy-ass motherfucker!

@TheRescue: You'll actually buy it and enjoy it like the rest of us?

@Hooray4Zoidberg: especially considering that the vast majority of iPhone users dont knowof, or understand, or use Skype.

@1jaxstate1: I don't think we're in the minority, I think that its a "the squeaky wheel gets the most grease" syndrome.

@GreezyG: +1 I drop calls on occasion, but its really easy to click call back...

@Beavertank: *pushes glasses into face* palpatine suffered from a redirected force lightning to the face which caused his face to look wasted.

@AvDub: how did you get into my office?

@MacAttack: plus you can use voice and data at the same time!

I've been realizing more and more lately how terrible my posture has become while at work in their lame-ass chairs. I'll have to give this a go.

They have to be okay with it since its been declared legal. but htey are still standing by the fact that it will void your warranty.

When did the internet become so full of people afraid of new technology? i like new things. first you need to show me why something isnt good before i wont try it.

is this game going to have online multiplayer?

omg this was hysterical