
"settings are not notifications" seems like a good enough reason. I dont want to haev to scroll through a ton of cruft to get to either notifications or settings.

hopefully with the ability to turn that feature off.

please allow notification icons in the status bar!


....but then still used the bar convention for wifi...

It looks liek a bunch of pastels barfed on my home screen!

Troll shoots. Troll scores!

I'd like to know what you know about ATV3 JB status. Last I heard, it's never happening and all development on it has ceased...

Couldn't have been a more worthless selection of "free" stuff if they tried.

Good American! You deserve an apple pie!

There's that ethnocentric attitude I was looking for.

Across the Globe it is 15%, but the % of white people is only 16%. You are a moron. Simple as that.

You beat me to the punch. *pushes up glasses* Good game sir.

Yes, they've been bought, but they are sunsetting AG for good in its current iteration. Ref: https://www.facebook.com/audiogalaxy/posts/389173804500052

You'll be sad to hear that they are discontinuing AG service as of 1/31/13. Move to Subsonic, and get the i-sub app (iDevice) or the official Subsonic android app. total cost $15. and its so much better quality than AG ever was, even on "high quality audio" setting.

LOL @ the iOS battery lead image for a post about windows 8 notebooks.

"Roll Your Own Perfectly-Organized Printable Online Resume in Five Minutes" by watching our Twelve Minute Eleven Second Video. LOL

Wow, troll, you got 4 people to bite. Good troll, good.

My wife is having the same issue with her iPhone 5 though, so I'm seeing a pattern, or we both got a bad batch?

It was delievered Day 1 from Verizon. It's a common problem actually.