
@nomayo: alright, after this comment im done talking to you. you have officially let the crazy out of the bag.

@nomayo: The proof is in the science. You have denied the proof of it by saying this:

@nomayo: Welcome to capitalism. There's money in everything as longa s you know where to look. Your comment doesn't disprove a fucking thing.

@pmaljr: Troll Trolls!

@bender123: unfortunately due to the way that capitalizsm works, even if they did lower taxes, those companies aren't going to lower their prices one bit.

I had a white 3G and it has a bunch of cracks in it by the time the iP4 came out. so i just got a black one this time.

@gtbrown: yes, obesity is bad, chubby, or heavy isn't nearly as bad for you.

@theloverly: not talking obesity, talking "overweight". and talking giving people self esteem issues due to not being "accepted" by the world at large because "overweight" is looked down upon.

@Wegmans: overweight and morbidly obese are two different things.

@BordenGrote: well they're dude, they should learn to suck it up and be awesome like the rest uof us right?

@Hello Mister Walrus: the slap chop would get an approved stamp too. because its awesome!

The disapproval and downright hatred of heavy women bothers me.

I completely agree. althought the prequels were bad throughout most of each one, it still gave me the explaination as to why Aniken went evil, and explained the backstory leading up to the original trilogy.

@themontage: congrats and yes to longer season of IT Crowd as well.

Hilarious factoid of the day: