
@Donuthead: I included them because of their anti-internet rants. I love their music.

Fuck You John Mellencamp. Go have an orgy with Prince and Elton John.

@clone2727: why not? if it helps increase their bottom line, they'll certainly at least consider it.

@mrgibblechip: yeah, that means for every 100 packets of data you are supposed to receive you actually receive 4.

@Matt Lyons: all they did was redefine "broadband". this has nothing to do with the choice of carrier, or even availability.

@mrgibblechip: 96% packet loss!? have you contacted your ISP about getting a trouble call? thats serious business/

@Old No.7: D'oh! I posted that right before lunch. You win.

@Old No.7: thats .5Mb/s. not Mbps

@Odin: or that they didn't repel down the pyramid using ropes.

@sqeakytoy of the apocalypse: That's the most incredible thing I've heard today since hearing about that awesome helicopter bank robbery!

@Ben Longo: I hate having to ask "did I lose you?" when theres a lull in the conversation because im afraid i muted or hung up on them ;)

@rbgaynor: So you'd like to look like an idiot like I did, when I went to the apple store knowing that they'd just tell me that "theres a problem with every cell phone when you hold it in a certain way" in a mocking tone, and then they did exactly that.

@rbgaynor: @skylr616 Which is what I'm saying, "it's a problem" but "it's not a problem" is just double talk. admitting the problem and then denying it in the next sentence...

@boslok: okay, but then in the next breath he says that "we dont think we have a problem."

ooh no you didnt!

Can't wait to not "Face-Dial" my "Face-Time"

@boslok: but they didnt admit any problem. they said some users are having a problem:

GOD! the fucking nerve of this guy!? the reason people haven't called is because you tell them that there's nothing wrong! nobody wants to look like an idiot!

@Chris Patterson: I completely agree. Every minute of every day cant be spent on everything. He's doing what he can to help people.