
@voltaek: "Also, you can try balancing the phone on the left side of your head with your shoulder. By doing that you'll enable our newest magical feature called "Face Dial". With "face Dial" you hit buttons with your face! You can now mute, hold and end calls all using your face. It's absolutely amazing!"

@shooga: I was going to say, "I hope they don't hold it in their left hand"

vote: Learn to code standards based HTML

Here is a horizontal 1px alternating black and white image for you so you can "SEE" the pixels if you really really try to look hard.

@Willard Fillmore: OW! OW! OW! It hurts SO bad!! .....wait, the ref isn't looking at me? oops, I'll get up and keep playing like nothing happened.

@Parapraxis: I ordered it around 10pm EST and got the email this AM saying June 24th. But from what I'm hearing, some people are getting emails stating that they are pushing back to the next week for shipment. hopefully that wont be me.

Just ordered mine (Apple store) to be delivered on the 24th. then tried for a second, (i have 2 iphone 3G's available for upgrade) and now the apple site says everything ships on July 2nd.

@CaptainJack: you just proved his point. It was 3 years ago.

@Ellomdian: what phone? and on Verizon you do that?

@OGHowie: Does it put it into "Connect to iTunes" mode after that?

@DarthMonkey: I do actually. I get texts while on the phone, and I get called by my friend (Verizon) who needs me to look stuff up sometimes, while I'm on the phone.

@OGHowie: Im planning on getting the iPhone 4, and want to sell my iPhone 3G on ebay, whats your process of removing personal information from it?

Is it true that you can't browse the web and talk at the same time on a CDMA network? How will that work for the iPhone on Verizon?

@OrbitalGun: Sprint's Upstate NY Coverage is spotty at best..

VOTE: delicious