
No thanks. Don’t need Google scanning all of my photos and using them for advertisements.

Amazing! I got the same password on my luggage!

Honestly, Firefox looks so much better with every single "update" that Chrome releases these days. >_<

It's also so much more inconvenient since now instead of clicking and choosing my profile I have click -> get a box -> click again -> get ANOTHER box -> click AGAIN -> wonder if it worked since there's a delay, for some reason.

Personally I would have went with the airing of grievances over a marching band.. but that's just me.

Ugh, the "chat scanning" feature better be optional because it's bad enough they read our emails.

Don't forget Macs, too. Honestly Chrome just gets worse and worse.

How come Android doesn't have a built in Wifi calling option? I was hoping that would be a priority instead of having to have a specific carrier version. Is it that obscure or tricky of a feature? Just curious.

The solution is to uninstall Chrome and use a web browser like Firefox that *actually* gives you choice rather than lock-in.

But.... why?

Then I would have two Google accounts just to do one thing. And, from what I recall, you can't even natively share Google Photos with any social network besides Google+, no?

Meh, first Google needs to remove the requirement to have a Google+ account, THEN I'll consider using it. I honestly just can't get into Google+ - they've rubbed me the wrong way with the incessant attempts to shove it in your face that I've lost all desire to sign up for it.

I'd take the privacy NSA people more seriously if they didn't go home afterwards and pull out their Android phone to check their Gmail and then post something on Google+.

I believe that the Flickr app has auto-upload functionality which posts them all as private, IIRC.

With the Gmail and iOS notifications channel, could you essentially get back push notifications for the Mail app? Has anyone tried it? Or does it not run often enough?

I had the "illegal" one for a while that I installed on my own but I didn't like how you can't hide apps in the app drawer like you can with the HTC version. I love everything else about it but I wish they would add the ability to hide and show apps (and possibly come out with a official lock screen too so things

I don't think the BBC quite understands how I would gladly pay triple the license fee just to have access to it from outside the UK.

I fail to see the point of this. Most sites like banks already have this.. why do I need it when I'm looking at CNN or whatever.... not to mention the fact that something by noted trolls, the EFF, is the LAST thing I'm going to trust.

I look forward to the day when everyone walks up to the guy who thought of Google+ and all take turns slapping him upside the head until he agrees that its a terrible idea and gets rid of it.

And, if you don't use your real name, Google will suspend your profile which means you basically can't use anything....