
Outside the EU they charge for it; In the EU it ships with it. That's the law.

All Apple devices in the EU ship with a Micro USB => Lighting cable adaptor.

Now playing

The development for something like Pixelmator on Linux is much steeper. Removing the fact of using WebKit WebViews as controls, You have to write a great deal more code when using GTK, or QT. The Widgets and support isn't necessarily there. Which means you have to code each of the Widgets.

Plus, the linux community

Mavericks got released for free for all OSX Users. Upgrade?


Please, tell me more about how Rail Roads have functioned just fine as a Private Entity longer than Automobile Roads.

Don't worry guys. The Government is here to project and serve the shit out of you.

You bring up an interesting point.. but allow me to bring up another.

If Eduard Snowden revealing information about Al Qaeda is so treasonous...

What is starting a war in a foreign territory to assist Al Qaeda in their takeover of a Sovereign nation?

Even better than Gala and Breaburn... I was shocked.

If it makes you feel better... I've had perfect ear health and I'm right there with you. It's all the damn explosions =\

Its funny how you accuse him of using a false equivalent.. then turn around and utilize a central government as the means of lowering violence.

Actually, that in itself is a false equivalent. In Pre-WW2 Germany, German on German violence actually decreased due to a few points.

One, being that homicide rates are decided

You mean none. In fact more lives would be lost due to the fact people wouldn't be able to defend themselves effectively. Trigger and Firearm Pin mechanisms are one of those things that are best left unaltered.

Better than nothing? Sure. But not better than other products on the market of comparable cost.

Did you even read my comment? This wont stop most debris. There is a huge area it doesn't protect from such as debris big enough to cause blunt force and debris fast enough to go through shrapnel. Unfortunately there's not alot of lee-way there.

Don't be ignorant. This backpack will not protect you in a warzone. It's a simple layer of kevlar, it /may/ protect you against small flying shrapnel and small caliber rounds. But it wont protect you against 90% of the hazards of a warzone. Normal Rounds, Sniper Fire, Ricochets from High Caliber/Normal Non-Pistol

Yeah, It just doesn't respect the fifth freedom. Developer freedom.

The Wifi chip doesn't support WiFi Direct which is why AirDrop doesn't work. It's a hardware thing, not something apple kept from you to be an asshole.

There is already Polymer ammo on the market fyi.

Actually .22 Caliber rounds are one of the WORST to get shot with. The reason is because the round does not have the power to exit the body. So it essentially plays ping pong inside your body while destroying any and all soft issue.

If you ever get shot the best thing that can happen to you is that the bullet straight

Has anyone ever stopped and thought about what the real problem is?

It's not who has insurance.. and who doesn't. It's not about a single-payer system vs individual insurance companies.

The issue and problem has always been the cost of treatment. Perhaps instead of trying to bandage the problem with a dramatic policy

The suspects are maybe 50 yards and from an elevated position any person with any firearm range time and experience would have been able to make the shot.

That being said an AR15 in the window at a recessed position would have ended this shootout in moments.

Legally the shooter would be fine because he believed another