
This article is vague. But I can confirm I do everything listed and I do have depression issues.

Yeah, it says so right on apples website...

Theres only a handful of things to do in Montana. Get Drunk, Get Drunk, Do Drugs, Do Farm Work.

Does anyone not get that the call button on a bluetooth equipped car can activate siri? Similar to a bluetooth headset?

No offense to your father but its not uncommon for 14 year olds to drive in Montana. Furthermore some who live on ranches can get licenses as early as 14.

Seeing as Tim Cook is gay... He probably had a hand in this.

Its not useless information. You're playing couch quarterback and stating how people would respond. I'm merely pointing out that blanket statements like yours are pointless. It's been proven that in extreme circumstances people who decide what they'll do before the situation happens are more likely to follow through.

No, its not. When you use 3 different IDE's, 2 graphic programs, a web browser, a emulator, music player and IM at the same time. Windows 8 is NOT easier. I've had it since the day they released the first preview. I've gotten used to it. It's not easier.

^—- Not a statistic. Did everything right. Did I mention I was 16 and have pictures? My quick thinking prevented the car from going over a cliff.

You're right. When they force something on you ON A MOBILE DEVICE... THAT HAS A GOOD INPUT OUTPUT FLOW they're applauded for it as they should be.

and that pesky start button.. and those pesky gestures... oh and the new UAC!

But then again.. I mean.. who REALLY respects BlackBerry?

You're right, Cause apple provided sockets, they totally didn't solder the SSD and Ram to the motherboard.

Dont think you can. Its all proprietary.

Depends on who you ask... i could be wrong but it doesn't seem like apple is exactly hunting down the jail breakers. Considering they actually poach and hire alot of the Jailbreak talent.

They do it for PR. Everytime the apple store goes down it makes headlines.

Last I checked the Jailbreak Developers didn't "forget" to turn in a "lost" iphone 4 concept.

Just an FYI. This is 4K Fully Loaded and in another countries currency.

Depending on the resolution. I'd probably buy one.