
If you’re into pretend rape, it’s because you’re into rape. No one could say they were “interested” in fake bestiality, or fake child porn, or fake gay porn, without everyone thinking they were actually interested in the real versions, but people lose their senses when it comes to raping adult women. “Oh, it’s just

The rule against military service members ever engaging in prostitution, is new. And a new law about an activity will have an effect on the numbers, even where it won’t entirely eliminate it.

And they don’t care.

Cause men who shoot “fake” rape are actually into rape?

Omg, yes, please try other topics. It is easy for people to get sidetracked, especially if One person in a group asks a kid-centered question and it’s hard to get off the topic. If you ask me what I did this weekend, it Might be true that the largest chunks of time that pop in my head are kid-centered activities,

You just described men fearing male sexuality. I don’t think they’re afraid of being assaulted. I think they’re afraid of male sexuality, in exactly the way you described.

This should not be what is killing the working girls chances to make a living. It is now illegal for U.S. military members to patronize sex workers, even where it may be legal locally. This was not the case years before, but it is illegal now.

The combo of hating women, and fearing male sexuality. Men fear male sexuality more than women do. The notion of being hit on by another man is enough to encite fear. The same guys who think women should take all male attention as a compliment, are terrified at being on the receiving end themselves.

It’s misogyny.

How the fuck are dudes busting a nut to even pretend rape?

So these peoples lives are ruined, and the still lost their families, even though everyone has the evidence that it’s false?

That’s an interesting question. We have historically always been Much much more concerned about an individual man’s consequences in the rare instance that a rape allegation is false, than we have even been about the consequences to additional girls and women if the allegation is true. When you balance the two sets of

How on earth can you be certain they were false allegations? Like, you were there for the scenarios in question, and even the dudes’ whole families believed neither of you?

And what is the huge shock with people Trying out a relationship with someone who’s not a great fit on paper, when you’re really drawn to them anyway. People do that shit all the time. “Let me see if this might go somewhere anyway. Who knows!” And then later, it’s like, “ Oh. It’s not going somewhere. Best wishes to

Two people with different desires/priorities are not a good match for each other and broke up upon realizing it’s not working out? This is amazing. I can’t stop thinking about it! I mean, I can’t stop Reading about this non-news bullshit because people keep fucking reporting on this idiocy.

They remember. They just don’t give a shit. And “intelligent” people can appreciate art while making a frowny face about the artist himself.

Dudes don’t have their lives ruined by convictions, let alone accusations.

Oh, just once you want to see a comment section where people don’t say something mean about men? Let me know when you see a comment section about rape that doesn’t include blaming the woman who was raped.