
Don’t blind people with science

No pony soup for you!

Except that you call him selfish implicitly by moaning on about his family as if he purposefully took his life to leave them behind. You know, what “selfish” is, right? You even state he “has deprived [his kids] of a father”, which is a statement of premeditation, also inferring selfishness. It’s not that fucking hard

“I don’t believe suicide is selfish but man was this guy who committed suicide selfish.”

It is not like that Sir. It takes an complete asshole to judge someone who suffers and decides to move on with his pain. Depression is an illness, a disease. Clearly, you do not understand the pain it must take to make that decision. I am very happy for you and hope you never have to understand that level of pain and

Of course he was selfish. I am not entirely certain there is anything you can do that isn’t inherently selfish.

God DAMMIT. This poor kid stuck with me. Kids that have to go through a huge amount of misery early on in their lives affect me, always have affected me, in an undefinable gut-punch way. She already had a tracheotomy, a LIVER transplant for god sake, the worst was behind her, right? And she still ends up like this.

This guy is going to be spending a decathalong time in jail.

WHATEVER. Water is garbage.

I love winter. Because I spend all year longing for the sweet, silent embrace of death and winter comes the closest.

Yeah, you’re right that there are details we don’t know or are up for interpretation.

That’s really not going to happen. Everyone you grew up with is going to die, and you’re going to die (I assume this isn’t news to you). The reaction people in our culture have to the inevitability of death is what’s depressing.

A HW virgin? You really need to check out NY!

I am, and I concur.

I hate myself for liking this.

/fucking dying +1

Get over yourself haha.

It’s just a sport.

I’m on the side thinking there’s hope.

I did a double take just now.