SJWs should die

Having a “right” to a thing means someone has to provide it. This is why the true rights in our Constitution do not require anyone to provide goods or services to anyone else. If the government comes to my home and steals my food, that’s theft. That is not a “right to food.”

Governments make water now? I guess they start up their water processing plants utilizing their profits from, oh wait, they don’t have any profits. So, they use the funds from taxes. They take the work of some of their citizens and convert it into products for other citizens. So, they compel service to provide a

Whatever one’s feelings on the issue, the fact is that this article really shouldn’t be on Gizmodo in the first place. I wish the article’s author would take her crusades to a different forum and let the rest of us get back to gadgets and gizmos.

Its truly stunning, this was once a fun open minded web site. It seems they have hired people specifically to go left in their writing, there are no voices on the right, thats what passes for open minded. I’d go for apolitical but, to the left everything is political so, one lefty leads to all left, they like their

Get the sand out of your vagina. I like bottled water for 2 reasons. 1) it tastes better than tap (most brands), and 2) I like it being portable, for when I don’t remember to bring my own. All of your other reasons are “look at me, I’m so deep” bullshit.

A basic human right? Wow. You guys can take something as simple as bottle water and turn it into some bull-shit bleeding-heart liberal human rights cause. Giz has gone so far downhill recently it's appalling.

She brought his hand over for something.

please crosspost this to jezebel so I can see the results. thank you

Is this deadspin activism? Shall we light up the pitchforks and torches now?

She was asking for it. Seriously.

This is news? A dude grabs a chick's boob and it makes deadspin? I had a dollar for every time my wife slapped my hands off her books I'd be a rich man

That girl from Modern Family is really enjoying her first day of emancipation.

Lack of tone in the written word and all that, but are you serious? I really hope you’re joking. You have to be, and if you are, it’s funny, but you never know on sites like this one. Here, let me mansplain. If that big black guy wants to cut his dick off and wear a dress, by all means, have at it. However, I will

That is a transgender female?!?!?!

Whites commit about 80% of rapes. Do some research next time.

I always wondered why there is so much rape in prison. Like, the majority of men in there aren’t gay. Now, I know people will say “if you’re in there long enough, you’ll want to fuck a man, just so you can cum in something”, but, what does this really mean? Does being in prison long enough make people gay? Why aren’t

Uhh... Willingly taking a car and man against their will on a test drive ensures jail time, as that’s not cool.

How about....you just don’t do anything dumb enough to go to Prison... (people need to stop saying jail....jail’s not prison....) and you won’t get raped....man, woman, trans, whatever...If you’re put in the clink in “general population” means you were probably a scumbag and forgive me for saying it, probably deserve

The USA is a fucking toilet. It is First World in status only. It’s levels of poverty and illiteracy would embarrass some so called “ Third World “ countries. Not to mention that the USA is far more racist than South Africa was at any time during apartheid. The USA has been putting l;ipstick on a pig for decade in