Gawker media Neo-Puritan scolding SJWs should kill themselves.
“She’s clearly not into your groping, dude.”
Wrong. She very clearly likes it, but she is afraid of being put on public display by shit-for-brains neo-puritan scum like you. You should kill yourself for what you have done.
Look at all these neo-puritan Gawker SJWs whining about this as usual. LOL
She likes it! Fuck you, racist puritan.
Eat shit, you puritan scold. You should kill yourself right now.
She likes it. Eat shit, puritan SJW.
Body-shaming is so “progressive” when it is aimed at men!
Naw, not really. 1 in 3 black South African men admit to committing rape, usually gang-rape. They rape babies to cure AIDS. Rape “initiations” are a part of African tribal cultures going back to pre-colonial times. Rape is an integral part of black African cultures. Deal with it, naive uninformed moron.
WRONG!!!! Whites make up over 70% of the USA, and commit about 65% of the rapes. HOWEVER... Blacks make up only about 13% of the USA, and commit AT LEAST 32% of the rapes (NO SNITCHIN YO). Do you understand what that means? Can you do math? Have you ever heard the term “per capita statistics”?
“Not to mention that the USA is far more racist than South Africa was at any time during apartheid.”
LOL good troll, unless you are serious. Maybe you hope the USA turns into the paradise that is present-day South Africa? Ever read the daily news from there? Naive dipshit. Unless you were trolling, then I commend you…
Why do blacks commit such an astoundingly disproportionate amounts of rapes and other violence wherever they are in the world?
“organization devoted to being professionally shocked, just shocked”
So, really not that different than Jezebel/Gawker Media then.