
That’s shocking.

We need a new season of The Wire about this.

I imagine the ghost malls probably have ghost food courts that can-be/have-been upgraded or brought back to life for this purpose.

Watch out for the pirates behind the door at that gin bar the gang went to that one time.

...on Wednesday night, Trump spent a good stretch of a rally in Battle Creek, Michigan

They shoulda put her on the front porch and renamed her Matt.

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees, then prepare the sandwich ingredients for over an hour, then place assembled sandwich in oven to melt the cheese for 10 minutes.

...and they make delicious food that people will continue to purchase.

Found the Pats fan!

What the fuck Is unfair given the scenario? He’s a stupid man lap-dog.

Username checks out... They don’t play in DC, the play in Landover and it rained hard in that area. I was in Lanham (nearby) for a kids XC meet (that should have been cancelled) at the same time as the football game and it was pouring rain for most of the time.


Same here on the burgundy jerseys.  I haven’t seen Mean Streets but I watched the clip.  The acting is terrible from all of them, Keitel and DeNiro were the exception. 

Yes they are, but the average is skewed by one old pitcher (42) and Zimmerman and Kendrick.

Normally I feel the same; a player should get paid and try to get as much from these greedy owners as they can. But Harper’s statements to the media after signing about playing with a young team (he had plenty of young teammates on the Nats {not including pitchers}) in a hitter’s park (almost duplicate dimensions of

good call, I didn’t think of the “additions by subtraction” of Harper.

As a Nats fan, I was bummed to see them lose Harper. Leading up to his contract end/free agency I figured he might go to one of the West Coast teams, as speculated in the media. But then he signed with the Phillies, a division rival, stating his desire to play with a young team with potential (just like the Nats) in a

Well, they aren’t, but OK.

I’ll never skip a chance to say Wawa sandwiches (hoagies/grinders/subs) are overrated. They are a half step above Subway and that aint saying much. My buddy (from Jersey, natch) swears they are the greatest.

Try this easy homemade blender salsa and you’ll never buy a jar again: