
95% of all MkIV Golfs are still on the road.

This looks much better proportioned than the CLA. Like all latest MB’s, the interior isn’t my cup of tea... can’t deal with the Dubai nightclub lighting and big sphincter air vents. But most people will think it looks very fancy. Overall though, a good solid “first nice car.

Not sure if it was intentional, but read that as Douglas Adams so long and thanks for all the fish. Made me a bit less sad he is gone. He did a lot for enthusiast over his tenure 

So long, Sergio.

Empathy is a foreign word to them with no translation available.

Was his old heart 2 sizes too big?

The AirLair concept is cool, but Americans are so fat and out of shape. How would most passengers get in the top row?

I’m not saying there aren’t things to worry about in the media and art. Like yes we should bring light to the Harvey Weistiens or Louis CKs of the entertainment industry. But in the process of that, people forgot to scoop the babies out of the bathwater. I’m still mad Aziz Ansari is having rebuild his career because

Could be worse. Could be a Ferrari California. Here it is with it’s brake lights ablaze. Oh, you thought those round red things were brake lights. Nope.

lol nah, she should be proud they don’t approve of her. i wouldn’t want the approval of that kind of family.

“I can’t imagine why anyone would call themselves queer and carry all of the negative connotations that are historically attached to being Queer. Why not just call yourself a lifetime bachelor and sit in the corner and quietly, very quietly, push the gay agenda. Seems like a self-own”

Enough of this bullshit. Cernovich is playing you. Don’t let him. He doesn’t care about James Gunn or Dan Harmon or Michael Ian Black or any of the other people he’s trying to drag. He wants the #metoo movement to devour itself and he wants to defend trumpm

There was a dude who had his factory steelies widened to fit “a little bit wider” tire on there. Really it was only because his 1200-1500hp drivetrain would fry tires at any rate of acceleration.

It wouldn’t be that big of a sleeper now days; but I always wanted to take a ‘93 GMC Safari AWD

I’m thinking a sleeper truck. The bargain bin WT trim of a Chevy Silverado. Standard white paint, single cab, standard bed, keep the steel wheels, but throw on some nice tires and twin turbos from Armageddon Turbo Systems. 1500HP work truck.

A sleeper smart car. Noooo, not a Hayabusa, they’d be expecting that. Shoehorn in the best four cylinder you can find (a friend put an engine from a Paseo in his), slap a giant turbo or blower on it, then laugh as you do wheelies past your competitors.

Couple of Dum Dums.

Someone told her not to worry about the car catching fire since she’d be underwater on her loan.

Gap insurance next time?

not knowing all the words, i suspect.