
Yeah, when I read this, I was really hoping that cab over engine was going for a comeback. I am disappointed.

Yes, I have used FCP Euro in the past and they are absolutely awesome! They are my go-to (apart from my local import parts store, Halsey Automotive). I have also bought from Pelican Parts, and am dismayed to hear all about this. I hope they at least keep their forums active - as an owner of a Merc 190D they have been

Well, I have two of them (a 2001 and a 1997), so you will have yours hands full...I do really like parallel twins.

It is weird - we have door dings on our newer car, as well as an crease on the fender where someone opened their door into it. However, on my older cars, I don’t seem to accumulate dings - either the metal is stronger or ??.

Entitled idiots thinking that everything is there for their entertainment is one of the worst elements of our modern culture. I have a motorcycle as well, and am awaiting the day I find someone posing/playing on it. Actually, I may have to wait a while, as nobody is really excited to see or be seen with a GS500 except

Clearly you need everything spelled out for you: This is just a simple misunderstanding.

I just love that in true Torch fashion, you added details about the taillight differences between the Chilean and “rest of world” Minis.

At least yours are easy to store! I do think you should round out your fleet with a Smart Roadster and Forfour when they become importable.

Yeah, I call bullshit on that too. It certainly is noticeable if you have to strain the wheel to one side to keep your car driving straight. And the fact that you are taking up a lot more of the road than you should, and I’m sure a vehicle with this issue can’t possibly handle normally around curves either, and has a

Yeah, you really hit on a sore point for me. I really, really wanted to get the Scirocco stateside. I have owned 4 Mk1 Sciroccos over the years, have visited Germany a few times over the past 10 years and lusted after the new version. My dream would be the Scirocco TDi 170GT, in Viper Green, but a Scirocco R would

I was thinking about Torchinski’s post on the canned-ham bumper testing, and a doner car would be just the thing we need next in this world. And Germans do love doner...so this is a natural partnership for Porsche.

Also, evidently “everything is important”, but then your handwriting looks like a 3rd grader trying to learn cursive. What?

As an admitted purist of sorts, I was somewhat disapointed when I first saw (a few years ago now) that there was a 4 door, automatic GTI. So now I have to keep asking myself what makes it a GTI.

A little late to the party here, but I just saw the video where you saw it for the first time and got it running. The sheer joy of this madness is something that I just have to get on board with. Good luck on getting it somewhat roadworthy. I also had a silly/awesome idea. There is something missing in your fleet of

I think you could buy this and double your money simply renting it out to film studios that need 1980s period-correct cars. This looks like a time capsule from 1994 - just long enough for the clearcoat peel to have started.

I would love to see that in an ad : “Low-ballers and tire kickers welcome, I have no idea what I’ve got here”

Yeah, I am convinced that the absolute worst people are the literal ambulance chasers: the people who cut right behind an ambulance and basically tailgate it as it clears a path through traffic. It is a seriously trashy person who would use someone else’s emergency to their advantage like that.

The shoulders are really the “breakdown lane” and in the US everyone should move right to let emergency vehicles pass. Theoretically then the left shoulder could be an emergency lane.

Oh, that Austin Richard Post fellow...also known as Austin Dick Post.

Oddly, I kind of like it, as it makes a boring car look sort of cartoonish and interesting.