
There’s another factor here in your comment : I imagine it is pretty flat around Kansas City. Any part of the world with hills that gets snow/ice, people should have winter tires. In Germany, they REQUIRE cars to have winter tires (studless) mounted in parts of the year.

I think a lot of it depends where you live, and what your hobbies are. In the Pacific Northwest, the worst people are the occasional weekend warriors, who head up to the mountains in their S/CUVs with all seasons a couple times a year, and then wonder why they are careening into the ditch.

I particularly like the weird failure mode that happens with my old European cars (VWs and Peugeot), where trying to unlock the door while pulling the handle jams the mechanism so that it doesn’t work at all, even after relocking and unlocking the doors. Then simply by waiting a couple minutes, it works again.

Something about the proportions of the “face” makes it seem less like an angry alien and more like it is having problems pooping. And while the clouds of CO2 out the nostrils is certainly a cool effect, really it would be funnier if it came from the back.  CP all the way.

The real answer here is a hitch receiver mounted rack, especially those nice ones that swing away to let you still get into the back of the car/truck. However, I have managed for years with various Yakima rooftop setups, and really like the versatility of a roof rack system for snowboards/bikes/kayaks/lumber. None of

Usually LSD on this site has something to do with differentials, however this time it is more specific to the mind-altering substances shared by Torch and Elon.

For my birthday a couple years ago, I got to go to the Model T Driving School, at WAAM. It was an awesome experience, and the latter part of the day was spent driving the Model Ts as well as a bunch of other cars from the 10s through 30s, to get a sense of the evolution.

Oh man, the Grasshopper was my first RC too, before getting an RC-10. Just a little while ago I found a Tamiya Hornet chassis and old Futaba radio next to a dumpster, and immediately recognized what it was even without the body. I picked it up, and this article is perhaps what I need to motivate me to buy the parts to

Wow, the flight envelope of this situation seems incredibly narrow. I imagine that they absolutely need to make the drop in order to climb out. Seriously impressive.

This is what I was thinking of too: welcome Rusty n’ Blinky

I’m spinning my wheels too...Perhaps try framing it in another way to pump up the impact.

Even as someone with an environmental science background who works in the field, I see the value in motorsports, the pursuit of speed, as well as the engineering and time that people put into this sport. When the motorsports-related emissions start to be a statistically significant source of pollution, I may change

“big sphincter air vents”

The thing is, that brand image is only really a thing in the US. In the rest of the world that gets the full Mercedes model range, the brand is associated with everything from subcompact cars all the way to semi trucks. Here in the US they manufacture the Freightliner trucks instead of Mercedes brands.

I think it depends how far into the 90's you are talking about. Early 90s were still great years for German cars : the end of the Mk2 Golf/Jetta platform, BMW E30, and the Merc W201 and W124 were excellent cars and easy to fix. Then things went to shit...

I think since a true sleeper is a vehicle so common that nobody even notices it, but really is fast, there is a regional flavor. In Portland, that would be a late 2000's Subaru Outback, built up with a boosted flat six Porsche motor.

Yeah, these assholes are weaponizing outrage as a tactic, and sitting back to laugh at the fallout. Sources matter, and victims should be heard. But really we are approaching a scenario where people are having to apologize for their content even if there is no direct harm or victim (aside from people’s sense of

Makes argument to stop using trite phrases...then ends with “pump the breaks on it”. ;/

You know, it is kind of surprising that you don’t see much joinery or inlay work in any fancy car. It is just veneer shaping and carved panels, when they could be doing so much more to make the wood interiors works of art in themselves. I like these ideas!

Good point regarding the way that detention could be used as a political tool, though not sure what the provision about them not being “questioned in any other place” is about. And I had to look up the list of crimes that constitute felonies, which is broader than I thought. Luckily, it is not a topic I have a lot of