
My assumption was that he has a stake in whatever company that makes it, is mad that it’s not a viable treatment, and is now saying he’s taking it so the rubes buy it.

I’m gonna go with he thinks he’s taking it but it’s a box of tic tacs with “HYDROCKSYCLOROKWIN” written on it in Sharpie.

He is not taking it. He, however, is trying to kill his followers.

::3 days from now:: “I never said I was taking it! Who says I said I was taking it?! The Fake News Media!”

$50 says he’s lying about taking it, just like he lies about everything else. 

Hydroxychloroquine may give him angina, but not “feeling that others are watching you or controlling your behavior; feeling that others can hear your thoughts; feeling, seeing, or hearing things that are not there" - those he's already got from snorting Adderall for twenty years.

But, really, it’s totally irresponsible and just bad fucking PR to bring the Girl Scouts to Pussy-Graber-in-Chief’s White House.

At least one group in attendance, the Girl Scouts

So much of This. I bet Trump would promote putting children to work in coal mines, if the thought crossed his mind.

ok, seriusly, but think of children

That posture in the right hand picture can't be good for his back.

Aughhh he shouldn't be within 6 feet of these children!  This is horrifying!  The organizations should have declined to go. 

trump is terrified of stairs. No joke. So the fact that he can’t hold on to a railing means he’s got the death grip on Ivanka, er I mean Melania. He’s an obese old man with a rapidly degenerating mind.

The picture of Melania and Trump looks less like a romantic pair holding hands, and more that she is trying to guide him so that he doesn’t trip. Their eyes are both watchfully on the floor, and he is gripping her hand to an inch of his life. 

Good god! That poor girl scout in the green mask! Keeping a stony face while that wretched hobgoblin “grins” at her.

Ah the good old days of Jezebel. That fairly innocuous post, abut a text exchange between a woman no one had yet heard of and Michael Che, got 290 comments. Some of the comments had over 300 stars. That was January of ‘17, when unemployment was fairly low and we weren’t all locked in staring at our screens for hours a

I’m pretty sure she is in the 1%. The top one percent, year dependent is a household making around $420k/year. She could be making that from Bravo alone. 

Omg omg that was McSweeney?! Wow. Good memory.

Girl has a problematic past (present?).