
I had this exact thing happen a handful of years ago during boarding. I was with my spouse and elementary school-aged child at the end of a trip, at the end of an exhausting travel day with layovers and delays. I was so embarrassed that not only my settings weren’t locked down but that my phone’s name visible to

The one and only season of Freaks & Geeks did.

Also MI 74th district-adjacent and YAY!


He’s so great in Miracle Workers.

UHF is a perfect movie. My tween loved it as much as tween-me did when we watched it together a couple months ago.

Can confirm. My BIL is a life coach. Became one less than a year after a huge, disruptive life blowup. 

The opening scene evoking Lake Lanier & Oscarville was a great parallel to the “Robbin’ Season” opener. Unsettling af.

I was an occasional employee (mid to late 2010s) for a Smash Mouth-era and fame-level band. The musicians were always at varying levels of addiction and mental health, as were their other core staff. Members were fired or left the band because the problems were too significant. Drugs and alcohol, partying before,

Well, then I guess I wasn’t so crazy for stocking up on Plan B last October. So, what do we —we meaning the overwhelming majority of US citizens who support safe, legal abortion access -- do now?

The ‘Stop the Steal’ crowd have converted their focus and messaging to ‘Unmask Our Kids’ and are popping up all over at board of ed meetings, health departments, schools themselves, and commissioner meetings, at the city, county, and state level. These are quite literally some of the same people from 1/6. Chances are,

Amen! Fuck “flattering”!

Wow, I feel like $150 is actually not far off to what “Santa” would have paid for Samantha, her accessories, and shipping back in the early 90s when I received mine. 

It was the disconnect for me between Utica’s self-positioning in previous episodes as being acutely concerned with being misinterpreted as offensive or appropriative and her merciless and unfunny fat and size-based attacks directed first at Michelle and Loni, and then again in the roast after ignoring their feedback.

I finally sold the outgrown kids’ bike that had been taking up space in the garage for a year. $30 to add to the money I need to pay down my cc.

She picked *all* of the keys. 

8/10 needs more Penzeys

Poop bag? It was a “doggie bag,” like as in wrapped leftovers to take home. I know it’s not as common of a saying as it was a couple decades ago, but the clue might have been the neatly closed paper bag she was holding as opposed to a plastic bag full of dog shit.

Remember when we thought JP Sears was doing a schtick!? Turns out, it wasn’t!

Yes, if the show wasn’t sold out, I would watch for part of the performance. Definite perk.