
Reply to +1

"already being addressed at the national level". Is it Federal Law yet? When will it be? This is needed, NOW and I'll bet that DC won't have anything passed before the end of the summer session. CA is doing this because there are no partisan differences on this point, but DC will mire the passing of any law

Thanks. Now I have to try and get coffee off my laptop. And out of my nose. And explain to my co-workers why I was having a laughing fit.

Pretty sure they have one of these at the San Diego County Fair in Del Mar every summer. I know they have them all over the place in Europe - I've seen them in Scotland, Germany, Belgium and France.

Does it exist in the cycling world?

My dad can kick your dad's ass!

Is this not like the photographer's equivalent of buying a Corvette? Compensating for something, methinks . . . .

If it's not Scottish, it's crap. That is all.

Yeah, right. Exchange goes down more often than a cheap hooker. Gmail has been down how many times in the past few years?

Almost every time I stop at a light I see someone in a car running a red light (typically a turn lane signal) but I would have to say less than 1/3 of cyclists I see at lights or Stop signs "blow" them. Typical behavior at a Stop sign would be arriving on bicycle at the same time the car new to them is moving off, so

I need my "irritating friggin strobing head lights" to stop getting doored. Or hit by cars pulling out of side streets. Or pulling away from parking spaces.

"As long as cyclists do not impede the flow of traffic or break the traffic laws then there is no issue". In your state you say lane splitting is illegal, but in EVERY state riding a bicycle in a "traffic" lane is legal. Period. End of Story.

I can say from personal experience that law enforcement do appreciate calling them to report suspect drunk drivers. I followed a guy for about 8 miles with my voice open on my city's PD radio giving them a description of the vehicle and the erratic driving along with location etc. They pulled the guy over, and when he

genteel golf clap - is that some STD only found in Georgia?

"the use of those other devices does not violate distracted driver laws." - the stock excuse. There isn't a law in CA to ban driving with a pet in your lap, so that's ok? Or paint your toenails, or apply mascara, or eat a bowl of cereal? These are the stupidest, dumbest, most idiotic things I see on the roads every

If is hearing is so great, how come his singing voice sounds like a cat being hit by a truck? Surely he could hear how terrible it is and do something about it . . . .

Yeah, right. Your carbon frame will smash into a million tiny (very sharp) shards if you drop a curb on it. Steel has its place - most especially when you need compliance with little regard for weight. Carbon has its strengths but mostly in tensile construction. You ding a steel frame - you have a small dent in it but

No confusion - you got it right. BB w/ActiveSync has been demoed and the NOC architecture is on its way out. Also, BES will be gone in corporate environments but it may be too late - I'm working on pulling a 2,000+ device global BES implementation and replacing with Android/iPhone and I know I'm not the only one.

Demoed at CES this year. The NOC is dead. Long live the NOC.

You used the phrase first. Nuff said.