
Let me FTFY: Two-time WRC champion and two-time Dakar winner Carlos Sainz, father of McLaren F1 driver Carlos Sainz Jr. came in third.

There would definitely be comedy value in watching some yahoo with a bumpstock-festooned AR “defending his rights” against a squad of special forces. Briefly.

Let’s recap:

-Decided something was important enough to comment on and then questions why anyone else finds it important when they’re outed as wrong ... check
-Throws in a red herring to deflect away from own wrongness ... check
-Makes a claim about having 25 years experience in any topic at all which is clearly BS ...

Definitely bulk (buy-by-weight, not Costco levels) spices, at least if you don’t have a good, bulk spice store near you. Make sure the WF has the bulk jars, usually located in or near the supplements aisle.

Just took an Uber around the block for no reason other than this comment.

You seem like a nice guy who is able to coherently make an argument.

Someday, you might grow up and be able to handle a big person’s OS too!

don’t forget, he also shops at Best Buy. That Shark is the Guru of Go-To for all worldly knowledge.

Eh. More crap happens at the end of the month that can cause mistakes and delays. Lenders get bogged down clearing final conditions and pumping out closing packages. Attorney/Title Companies see their schedules get booked up and you also have to figure in registry recording hours. All these peoples and things get

Look at the stupid on you: you think the scientific method’s greatest strength is actually a weakness.

Aw, you’re so precious...you actually think the other companies aren’t doing the exact same thing simply because they say they don’t.

Or you could stop being THAT predictable meat-eating troll in a thread clearly not meant for you.

Just like there is no vodka in a Martini.

Show me how to breed a wolf with corn without meddling directly with the DNA, and you’ve got a supporter. There’s a reason this doesn’t occur in nature...and it isn’t because it would be more fun for humans. Now go cornhole Monsanto’s CEO and see if you can get bacon tasting corn.

it is NOT absurd! Most Western European countries have banned GMO’s, with the scientific evidence to back up why. The US hasn’t done any controlled studies nor has it released any information on their adverse effects....One can infer that they are hiding something. The higher use of GM food strongly correlates to


May want to change the title. Diesels don't guzzle gas as they are more fuel efficient than their gasoline counterparts. Now it it true that they do put out more pollution in their exhaust, but the new ones are super clean (which is why they are only targeting 2001 and earlier diesels). And I hope Spain doesn't have

The best thing Google can do with this box is to keep the pass-through HDMI from Google TV. That's the one thing none of the other budget boxes have (I'm excluding Xbox One due to cost). And it's the one thing that's making me hang on to my Google TV box. It's such a pleasure to be able to control everything from one

"and don't give Chrome a second thought."

This really depends on how you're defining a frequent flyer. I would say that this list is more for the casual flyer, who may fly five or six times a year but doesn't have the mileage to get status with an airline. In that case, jetBlue and Southwest make a lot of sense because they don't throw in a lot of fees, and