
And the "truth" in the book you read is not verified by a community whose goal is to ensure fact based information is published . . . . #fail


French Navy double code red - must be as scary as this!

16GB for RAW storage of 16MP images still equates to ~800 or so images (unless my math is off) - not enough?

"Monster makes Dre Beats" - they will be manufacturing them for only another 6 months or so when it moves to HTC, new owner of the Beats brand.

#2 - Computer says "no". The shorter the narrowing of traffic lanes, the better the throughput. You should use all the available space in the "closing" lane and merge at the last point, reducing the length of the narrowed (less lanes) area to a minimum. This will help improve throughput without everyone having to race

OMFG. Get a life or a sense of humor - whichever comes first.

Thanks for proving my point. YOU can drink whiskEy any way you want . . . .

Do what you want with whiskey, but putting ice in whisky is sacrilege! Room temp water only, and no more than a splash (best served in Edinburgh Crystal glasses - the large ones!)

I didn't say it was ALL marketing, but without it they would not have had the impact. Look at the totality of each iteration of the iPhone, and you may see that they are not groundbreaking or indeed truly innovative. The marketing of the phone drew attention and interest - not necessarily the function and design

2 & 3 are GIANT leaps of faith . . . . . many companies were refining their mobile OSs but Apple spend a bundle on marketing their vision. One that THEY COPIED FROM OTHERS (Nokia interfaces on their first color phones, anyone?).

I'll call your Lahproaig and raise you a Lagavulin. The pu$$ies that drink Spey malts can keep them.

Fcuk Apple, and the USPTO. Just more corruption in federal government departments where US companies can buy court backing for an absurd pretense. There's no damn way Apple came up with this allegedly patentable feature but yet again they get a US Patent. Not enforceable anywhere else, because they can't get the

Given that studies have shown driving whilst using a cellphone is AS DANGEROUS than driving "under the influence" maybe your next post should be about driving safely while drunk? Then again maybe not, Adam.

Apple is interested in a big fight with Android, and all companies that manufacture/sell Android devices. Samsung were an easy target with a sympathetic court based on a ridiculous argument. I expect HTC to be next on the list now they have a 10" tablet on the market . .

If AT&T puts their branding (and software) on the phone, it's their responsibility. HTC may be imaging the phones for AT&T, but it's not their job (or responsibility) to tell AT&T not to put anything in the image.

Sorry to disagree, but the Windowseat mount is not a good choice. It's VERY brittle - the clip on mine snapped off the second time I put my phone in it, so I took it back to BestBuy and replaced it. Within three days I was back, and changed it out for a Rocketfish Mobile mount with the flexible arm. Had that 6 months

Apple started the fight, this is a counter punch. If they hadn't gone down this road in the first place, Motorola may not have sued.

"inspected that software for quality purposes"? So AT&T provide an image loaded with an allegedly illegal piece of software onto phones branded as AT&T devices, and it's HTC's fault? Illogical, captain.

How are HTC in the wrong when the software is not on their Verizon devices? Why are the carriers not included in the suit? Carrier IQ are software vendors - the company that purchased and implemented the software are liable too . . . . andI don't know that HTC are the right company to chase. AT&T, T-Mobile and Sprint