
Hey! I represent that remark! Not all cyclists are Motorsports haters . . . . and most F1 drivers don spandex on their days off to keep in shape

And if it was PETAphiles, they've just guaranteed the death of all the animals. Irony defined.

Sigur Ros - Samskeyti is my stress reliever. Works every time.

Android is all about open source - using the power of community to promote innovation. Apple is all about proprietary information and stifling innovation. Counter suits from hardware vendors building and selling phones running Android are defensive tactics aimed to show the problems with Apple's patent trolling

Totally agree. The biggest failing of the iPhone is no widgets. And thanks to their patent trolling practices they're not likely to add them anytime soon as I'm sure lawsuits will soon follow . . . .

Buy a Nexus One. Or an HTC Flyer. Both factory builds come with tethering as an option and you don't get billed for it as a separate item (at least from T-Mobile in the US).

Mediterranean Chicken with Tomatoes, Olives and White Beans. (link is posted in another comment if you're interested . . .)

A favorite at my place - Mediterranean Chicken. From Dr Oz's book You on a Diet.

Depending on the time of year, I'll batch cook large amount of freezable items like Pasta Sauces, Chili, and Soups and freeze them in appropriate serving sizes for 2 or 4 (just my wife and I but we have friends over a lot on short notice . . .). I also pre-cook and freeze Rice Pilaf.

It's been on here in SD for a couple of weeks now . . . . [youtu.be]

Tried to get pics and video of the Red Tide (as we call it) here in San Diego last night - when it's on, the waves glow in the dark . . . . righteous night time surfing, dude

Does Conan still exist?

They may be bad, but the organizations that don't secure data are worse. If your data are accessible vie teh interwebs then it is your duty to secure it correctly.

It's nothing to do with hypocrisy - and all to do with playing the game. The countersuits are, as OCentertainment states, part of the negotiation process.


"old rhetoric"? that was Bush's stance when he was elected, and he kept going back to it for years. You can't claim that the economic upswing that happened during Clinton's was due to Reagan's policies then blame Clinton for the cluster under GWB and then say you can't blame GWB for what we have now. Make up your mind

Carly Fiorina. That is all.

The point is, with the exception of Huntsman, the GOP field for President is anti-science, anti-evolution, pro-corporation and pro-evangelical christi an viewpoints. They are bought and owned by corporate and pseudo-christian america.

Or just buy a printer off craigslist.