I will start of with kill:
I will start of with kill:
Holy shit, that’s like the worst game of fuck, marry, kill ever.
George Conway certainly has a type. Per his Wiki, he was introduced to his wife by none other than Ann Coulter and he previously dated Laura Ingraham.
Everything you do on the internet is tracked, sometimes down to literal videos of your mouse movements and site browsing. Incognito mode is a lie and only good for keeping your browsing history out of the hands of your nosey spouse. Your ISP, social platforms, search engine and pretty much every digital marketer worth…
I have worked for several major consumer product companies including Johnson & Johnson and SCJohnson.
Text Books - required text books for grade school, college and even the medical field are just recycled information from the previous year. Seriously, it’s not new, it’s just reorganized and at most reworded. It’s a big industry that is completely built around getting you to buy the same information every year because…
Many recent cosplayers are in it to sell their porn shoots rather than to be cosplay.
Here’s a fun set of them from studying Political Science:
This may be fairly common knowledge nowadays, but getting a book published has almost next to nothing to do with your ability as a writer. Because, as I witnessed firsthand many times when I worked in publishing, your manuscript can be a complete unreadable mess—it will just be rewritten by your editor. Your value is…
They believed in you and it really speaks to what they saw in you. Look at you now. You have a whole lot of people that are so thankful for you. Keep writing truth to power and we will continue to read, learn, and grow.
Wait Kevin McCarthy is supposed to be young there?
Yeah, they won’t say it out loud, but the reason why the Republican base is so panicked by the thought of Democrats taking control is because the Republican Party is the party of white people. It’s not Medicare for All that panics them. It’s not “socialism” that puts them in a tizzy. It’s the thought of what might…
What scares me most is that I think they’re right.
A reminder, too, that there are only 13 women in the House GOP caucus. This after the election in which a record 89 Democratic women were elected to the House. Hey, at least the number lines up pretty well with their outdated, fundamentalist attitude towards a full half the population.
I don’t think that the Republicans who support this mad dog regime are doing it as a matter of temporary expedience anymore. I think that they believe that the Republican base has openly embraced racial bigotry, nativism, and contempt for common decency for the foreseeable future and have grasped that as their future…
and force “taxpayer-funded abortion on demand, anytime.”
Do NOT trust anyone when they said they’ve been “called” about anything. It shows a delusional mentality.
How odd, Jesus told me she was supposed to STFU and GFTO.