
Arthur Blank and his wife moved from their luxury box to the sideline when the game seemed out of reach and a Falcons’ blowout seemed inevitable. The change in countenance on both of their faces as things slipped away perfectly recreated my own increasing despair as the election results came in last November.

This is the sort of thing that haunts a city for a long, long time.

I honestly want to know which bar it was. I will go there and see how they treat me.

Paddy’s in South Philly is more like it.

Name the bar.

No. They’re from the exurbs or the Irish neighborhoods of Boston. They are a dying breed.

You’re full of shit. There are racists in Boston, just like everywhere. But, I haven’t ever seen two white guys standing on top of a mailbox shouting “white power” into a bi-racial crowd while nobody blinked in Boston. I saw it first hand in Savannah, Georgia. And if it weren’t for my white wife, this black man

It should absolutely be a thing. On 9/11/01 Newfoundland, hosted thousands of passengers from aircraft that were not allowed to enter American airspace after the hijackings. The town of Gander, population at the time 9,651, hosted 7,000 stranded passengers and crew with no notice. Operation Yellow Ribbon.

Nobody burned to death in the Asiana crash. There were 3 fatalities and everybody else (304 people) lived. All three fatalities were from blunt force trauma and the bodies were all intact. This information is widely available, albeit not nearly as dramatic as your story. Long story short, you’re probably looking

I think Tomlin meant to call them “Massholes.” I love the way he makes excuses for his team to lose a week before the game. That extra 7 hours will definitely be the difference. Of course, he already knew they were facing the Patriots next and could have used the time to do a little prep work. But I think only a

Also, for most of humanity’s history it has been easier to heat than to cool.


You are assuming that all of the work that matters happens on game day. The truth is that the most important work a football player does occurs during practice. If your entire receiving corps does something on their day off that lasts into their first day of practice they are fucking up. There is less than a month

What I really want to see is for someone to just slap him upside the head; no punch, no kick, no elbow; just a humiliating bitch-slap accompanied by a “you ain’t gonna do shit about it look.” The only problem is the subsequent wet spot on the floor could be a slipping hazard.

Trump is a dick. But I have no sympathy for these ambassadors’ children having to change schools part way through the school year. As an Air Force brat I attended 8 schools in 12 years. And there are plenty of others that did the same. You realize that they knew the minute he was elected, back at the beginning of

Hey Einstein, propane in a tank is liquid.

If it’s black and yellow let it mellow.

I guess you’ve never been to a mining town or steel town or farming town. It’s instilled in boys from the beginning.

THAT is some 7 and 9 shit.

I’m a lifelong Democrat. I voted for Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general election. I hate Donald Trump. However, Patrick, why is it a bad thing to keep the jobs in Kentucky that would have gone to Mexico while adding the jobs that were already scheduled to be added in Kentucky?