
There are parts of that drive the I simply don’t remember.

I would love to hear Hamilton Nolan’s opinion on this. Will he stick with “from each according to their abilities to each according to their needs”, or will he go all libertarian because poor black kids will benefit the most? The anguish as he deals with the conflict between his love of communism and his white guilt

Luckily for boomers it’s the kids that’ll get screwed because the baby boomers will start kicking the bucket long before they have to actually pay for damage they did. They just get to wade in and break a bunch of shit then skip away.... tra-la-la-la

We should just get rid of Boston.

How about some pilot and air traffic controller jargon?

The answer is always Malta.

The answer is always Malta.

I feel sorry for all of you who hate the Patriots. You’re missing out on a once in a generation two generations glimpse at sustained excellence. Your loss.

The Democratic Party is so white and rigid that the last person to bring any new enthusiasm to the masses was a 187-year-old socialist who sounded like the aardvark from the Pink Panther cartoons and never really claimed the party.

And he still keeps his retired football player handle.

I watched the “battle of the sexes” in 1973 as an 11 year old kid. I rooted for Bobby Riggs (McEnroe was only 14 in 1973-but he probably would have still beaten Billie Jean King anyway). I support women’s rights, have never sexually harassed anyone, and have raised two strong, independent daughters. But 11 year old me

It makes sense for the tanking Giants to bench Eli...but not for Geno Smith. They drafted Davis Webb last year. They should be playing him to give him some live game exposure and to see what they have. They really have become the Jets. This shows that they’re probably going to draft a QB instead of the Offensive

Edited for content

I used to have the same problem in my MINI Cooper until I learned how to properly adjust my side view mirrors. If you follow the AAA guidelines, instead of watching the side of your car, (as well as being blinded by headlights behind you), you will be watching your blind spots, (and won’t be blinded!)

Typically I accomplish both tasks at once. But every so often, usually after I empty a very full bladder while standing up, I get the urge to poop afterwards. I refer to it as the “balloon valve effect.” My guess is the full bladder holds back the colon full of crap. Then, once the bladder is emptied, the poop drops

I like anything made by anyone named Sedaris. I just set a series recording on my DVR.

I grew up in a rough section of Boston. Our doors were always locked. When I would forget my house key I would simply kick open the back door. My night-shift working, hard-drinking Dad would never wake up.

Hi Patrick. Longtime air traffic controller here (over 30 years experience). The major reason why summer sucks for fliers (and air traffic controllers) is thunderstorms. I would say that they account for more than 90% of delays. Weather, in general, accounts for the vast majority of travel delays-whether it be

Here in Texas, we have these plastic poles that separate the lane

This deserves more stars.