
I dislike Kanye West because he is a middle-class suburbanite pretending he is from the streets. I dislike Cam Newton because he is a smooth, bullshit artist. I fucking love Richard Sherman. He was on an endorphin high after just making a game-saving play that sent his team to the Super Bowl.

Those are the Patriots fans that I liked.

Now THAT is a fan base that cares.

In my heart of hearts I was hoping it was Gammons. Maybe it was initially but he misplaced his ballot? Next year offer "the Commish" a big donation to the Jimmy Fund and you'll have a shot at getting his ballot. Also, way to go LeBatard!

Evidently you haven't seen them play.

I am SO disappointed. When I saw that headline I would have bet my house that Antoine Walker was one of the Ambivalent Seven.

If the Colts had Jimmy Graham I would be with you. Philly was 4-4 at home and got blown out several times. I think it'll be a close game. The playoffs have been great this year.

You're right. The Patriots weren't dominant this year. But they were undefeated at home. They went 12-4 and those 4 losses were by a combined 24 points. In other words, they were in every single game this year. No other team can say that. I think the Colts are up and coming. But I don't think this is the year that

It's even better if he loses to Brady. But I'd rather the Patriots play the Chargers in Foxborough than the Broncos in Denver. I don't think the Colts can beat the Patriots in New England...yet.


So I guess the Patriots just have to beat the Colts to host another AFC Championship game. (I am assuming that Manning will choke next week per usual.). Here's rooting for a blizzard in Foxborough next Saturday.

This is true. I felt the need to back you up because of the modified Chuck Norris jokes made prior to your comment. Tom House was also traded from the Braves to the Red Sox for equally interesting pitcher Roger Moret. Tom House has had a pretty interesting life.

I found it refreshing that the Indianapolis QB didn't thank God in his on-field, post-game interview. It must have been his subtle way of saying the win was all...nevermind.

Club seats aren't counted when determining a "sellout." The only seats that count are non-club and non-luxury box seats. I don't know why that is the rule. But it's the rule. Perhaps it is related to the fact that teams keep all club seat and luxury box revenue to themselves. In any event, with high definition, large

I'd love to see which teams recovered the most "game-clinching" turnovers. In other words, could someone take the same data used to compile this "chokers" graph and compile the winners into graph form? Seeing the Dolphins, Jets, and Bills at the top of the chokers graph leads me to believe that the Patriots would be

You forgot Forest and Gump.

I agree with you. Peyton Manning has a small penis and is bored.

Has anyone mentioned the fact that Incognito's best buddy on the team is an accused gun-runner and an associate of an alleged serial killer? All the internet tough guys that played ball back in the day probably didn't have to deal with THAT in the locker room. This is way off the charts for typical locker room

Interesting how you assumed I was white because I disagreed with you. I'm assuming you're in your 20s because of your attitude...maybe that's MY bad.

I'm not white.