
I don't think you're reading my whole posts. I have been denied the opportunity to GO TO SCHOOL because ignorant morons were throwing bricks at the bus I was on and kids were getting the shit beat out of them for being the wrong color. Google "Boston, forced busing riots" and then get back to me.

You started this whole thing by speaking for all black people and saying that it's okay for blacks to call each other "nigger" then you try to tell me that I can't speak for most educated people of color. Go get some integrity and get back to me. I think you probably mean well but in this case you're too proud to step

Okay then; Whalers it is. That's a great song.

Your question about what MLK has to do with this discussion makes me sad. It's ironic that you attempted to use nuance as an argument. If you want to make this a contest over who has more experience with racism we can do that. I'm pretty sure that a guy born in the early 60s in Boston will win this one, unless you

What if I told you I was black? Does that make a difference? I don't think that most educated people of color appreciate that word. Although, I guess if I tell them a guy named Fist-Of-the-Porn-Star is speaking for them they'd probably be cool with it. If you don't want ignorant people, of any race, using the word

I've heard similar arguments before. The difference is there is no word as ugly as, that produces as visceral reaction as "nigger." Except "cunt." That's a bad one too. Say either of those words and you deserve what you get.

They're proposing a team in Connecticut, who you proposed could fuck themselves. I like the idea...of CT getting a team. That's an extra home game for my Patriots every year. Perhaps a better name would be the Hartford Hucks after the name of my favorite literary character written by a man who settled in and declared

As an American of any color with a moderately functional brain you must realize that white America has co-opted black American slang and fashion for at least the past 100 years, if not longer. Therefore, as a black American, you should be used to, and expect, dumb-ass, pop-culture obsessed, suburban teens, (of all

So what you're saying is the Blackhawks did the "thank you ad in the opponent's hometown newspaper" the right way?

I wonder where they got that idea?

As an air traffic controller I can honestly say that I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often. The pilots of the jump planes that I work all summer long go out of their way to do whatever they can for a little extra thrill for their adrenaline junkie customers. They actually try to time their jumps so that they'll

Troll much?