
Trophy hunting is one of the main funding sources animal conservation in many parts of the world. People will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to shoot an old male past breeding age. For big cats, this is usually beneficial because old males stop being able to mate before they stop being able to dominate younger

Hunters aren’t some blood thirsty group out to kill things. Hunters are conservationist who actually benefit the animal populations by thinning the herds and improving the gene pools of the animals. Animals eat other animals with no thought whatsoever. Where is the outrage over that?

Teaching your family how to hunt and provide food for themselves is quality time. Would you rather they just go to the store with their family and buy bulk packaged animals who lived in terrible conditions? 

I mean I could see them being a threat to small pets or small children if they get super numerous, and at that point I would be totally fine with having them trapped or hunted. But it doesn’t sound like populations are nearly high enough that they are encroaching on human territory.

That’s what gave me a headache. I’m fine with subsistence hunting.  My family has hunted for meat for hundreds of years.  If you eat it, I’m fine.  But killing for trophies or fur is just wrong.  That practically sounds like; “Let’s kill ‘em because we can!”.