
Still whining about Russia, you pathetic loser trash?

Kill yourself, you fucking scumbag. Mueller has nothing and that cunt Obama will soon be indicted.

Whiny about any other countries, little America-hating bitch?

It so awesome how perfect your hindsight is, you America-hating scum.

LOL. Its Pelosi - both.

Shh! The nuclear industry has paid good money, and lots of it, to keep that quiet. Stop offending the shills! Its gloabal warming that’s doing it and the ONLY way to stop it is to pay “carbon taxes” to billionaire scum to fly around in private jets and lecture us little people.

What did you expect from “caring” leftist scum? If the walking genital wart didn’t have double standards, it wouldn’t have any standards at all.

Any proof of that, you delusional, America-hating garbage? No, I thought not. FOAD.

Proving what a pathetic cuck he is....

That’s because you are so divorced from nature that you are stupid enough to think having chemical laden garbage from the supermarket is somehow the same as real meat. Or are you one of those sanctimonius scumbag type vegans who looks down their nose at omnivores?

Trappers are garbage.

That explains Hitlery Clinton.

If the animals are becoming a problem then limited hunting should be allowed until the population pressure drops or the critters wise up and quit doing things that make humans shoot at them. Predators quickly figure out what they can get away with easily and what they can’t. Other than badgers, they will generally avoi


You racist garbage have already said you want to kill us. You’re loser scum, jealous of your betters. ESAD.

Oh no! That means Allied moths are completely without any early warning if attacked with mustard gas...

“OMG! How dare you not hate 2017! ” 

ESAD, you hateful, vaguely human shaped, pile of garbage.