
The comparison you’re looking for is Gravity Falls

Cancel all copyright laws. Is what I say.   They should exist to protect the author, not to protect some bussines people from authors, like has happened here. 

“How dare you speak against the collective!”

So I guess when Tripwire has the town hall to allow all their employees to voice their opinions and be inclusive, they only really want to hear from you if you share the exact same opinion as them....

Or Shooty McShootface

I suggest Looty McLootcrate

I agree with this, but also... 2007 was 14 years ago. If someone has shown some sort of personal growth, will we hold them accountable for old statements forever? What does “personal growth” even mean when it comes to professional relationships and employment?

They should’ve called it Portal Combat.

I don’t mind the content, and like you I find this kind of stuff interesting. It is the tone that really irks me.

“Forced labor” is such a quaint way to say slavery.

Ebay, resale, flipper, dick nose, assholes.

Don’t click on them.

Get over it.

Regardless of ones thoughts on twitch and its ‘thots’, this is a chilling move that is another step into turning twitch into a soulless, rotting abomination that is a shadow of its former self like Youtube today.

Hey, Ethics in Games Journalism crowd: The corporate breach of editorial independence is kind of a big journalistic ethical issue. It’s maybe the sort of thing that a group which bills itself primarily upon its concern of Ethics in games journalism should be up in arms about.

I mean, I know it isn’t POC or women in

Absolute irony that they decided to build Freedom, in China.

What is “whiteness?”

Woke: Devs, don’t make games about minority identities you can’t personally speak to, as that is appropriation and you’ll likely screw it up.

Where do you draw the line?

I can’t wait till China makes their own knockoff Monster Hunter movie, and use the same exact joke.