
you aren’t defending a nazi by calling out a kook who starts conflicts with people for minding their own business. There are places for that do it a a rally or protest, not when someone is minding their own business. The gym wasnt wrong to kick out Spencer because of reasons stated by people in this thread. He is a

In before the debate even gets started.

I agree that it doesn’t make much sense; I just go the other way. If you’re bothered by dogs and cats being slaughtered, you shouldn’t be any less bothered by other sentient animals being slaughtered.

Or don’t ask her any questions? What does she know that’s worth knowing?

Literally nobody here is disagreeing with the point that circumcising babies’ penises is problematic at best, since babies are incapable of giving consent. What people are disagreeing with is your insistence that there is no difference between circumcising a penis and “FGM,” a term that includes clitoridectomy, not

Lots of cases of FGM are less damaging? Bullshit. You’re a hateful person, seek help.

looks like we found one! goddamn you’re dumb

Good mom’s wear a bump-it? I would have guessed the opposite.

Because most of us aren’t socialists. I’m ok with regulation, high taxes on the wealthy, etc. I’m even OK with some measure of state-run industry where it is the most efficient and fair way of doing it (certain energy sectors and healthcare would be the places I’d start). But not comfortable with full-blown socialism.

Now playing

I get asked a lot, and if they’re persistent, I email or quote them this:

“I think Mike Huckabbe might be fun to have a drink with”

I didn’t think you meant it that it was baffling because it was a woman. I don’t necessarily think she screams Sessions either (though I’m not sure who does on the cast) but I think you might just see them stretching to have women play the men in Trump’s circle because they know how much it irks him.

See this is why I feel like a visiting alien studying human beings and their habits because I just don’t remotely give a shit about any of this. I have no “rules” for texting. Just be responsive (we’ve all ignored a text or two on occasion but a running pattern of doing that is a turn-off for me) and don’t hurl verbal


I believe Beyoncé is pregnant with twins. I also believe that Blue was born via surrogate.

Trump to them means pissing off dirty liberals and pinko commies. The details beyond that are inconsequential.

It’s interesting, I feel like vegans/vegetarians/etc get a reputation for being really radical, pushy, and annoying but most of the ones I know are quiet about it and just stick to their beliefs/motivations for doing so, they don’t care about what other people do.

Hm. I am liberal and I fully support trans acceptance, but when someone is a convicted murderer (and not convicted in the sense of a kangaroo court) I gusss I don’t really have much empathy for their mental health. If she’s tried to kill herself, I can really only shrug my shoulders there. She willingly took another

It’s taken me and damn near most folks I know...POTUS Obama”s whole administration to recover from Bush...so fuck that, “we’ve had shitty administrations before” stance...(not angry at you...just...so...hurt at the world...)

Starred for “Jynah”. Lol.