
It isn’t sour grapes that our candidate just lost. Democrats won the popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections! We are the only democracy in the world that does not run under the standard dictum of universal enfranchisement. One person, one vote.

The way it’s set up, a Californian’s vote actually is worth less than a North Dakotan’s

Well we can also start by not fucking over African Americans any more.

I’m definitely opposed to fur but there is really nothing worse than how pigs, empathetic, intelligent creatures, are treated by us.

So I was a vegetarian for many years for moral reasons, and people always liked to sort of pick fights with me about it along the lines of “well you don’t eat meat, BUT I BET YOU EAT SKITTLES AND THEY’RE MADE WITH HORSE BONES*” or “UR SHOES HAVE LEATHER IN THEM I BET” or whatever. Which, I mean, they aren’t wrong, but

The fuck? When did we stop throwing red paint on these people?

Came really close. Like, first-consonant-and-vowel-slipped-out close. Luckily,that consonant-and-vowel was “Ja-”, and I was able to cover with a “Jay-sus”.

Going back to your *own* memories for reasons behind your phobias is already bad science... I can’t even...

That’s kind of the point. It’s not malicious; it’s ingrained assumption that you know more about a subject because how could a woman know as much as you? You probably don’t even realize you’re doing it. (universal you, not specifically you)

Legit feminists see shit like this, and knows that it hampers their progress. I mean this is so bad, if I didn’t know better, I would think a misogynist was trolling people.

1. Trying to gender a non-gendered trait/habit/thing is stupid. It’s not edgy, it’s not satirical, it’s just stupid.

What I mean is, the poor guy who actually won the award has to stand there like he got pie in his face, as well as the presenters. One asshole’s ego ruins the entire thing.

I just heard him say “Jared could do peace”

Possibly only tangental, but I swear I read something on Facebook criticizing this march as stealing the language of African-American protestors from the sixties. But now I see that one of the co-chairs is African-American?

All Chaps are ass-less. As are most models.

I don’t think it goes through, but I can’t wait to see when Tom tells Katie Ariana is a groomsman. Ariana is also looking the best this season too.

I’m not a liar!!!

This article is satirical. How did you not figure that out given the last answer? Conveniently, this explains why you think this is good “balance.”

I’m sorry, have you seen our congress for the past six years? OBSTRUCTION. He has had to do this.

Himself rich? WTF?