
Your name has “Dad” in it.

I appreciate this comment and I will drink my next shot of vodka in your honor.

Fuck the optics. The gunman was a fucking asshole regardless of the race of the victims.

Quick somebody redub this with this song instead:

Yeah, I hate when I’m reading a real meaty article and it’s interrupted by a fashion ad.

This was the first time I’ve seen her on tv and didn’t dislike everything about her. She seemed fairly normal, all things considered.

Her? Egg?

As someone who has struggled with severe depression for 2 decades: taking showers and maintaining basic physical hygiene is key to keeping going. My basic response to a bout of depression is: just keep showering. Shower everyday. It doesn’t matter if everything else blows. Just shower and you’ll feel a little better.

Where are you getting your data, cupcake?

Federal legalization, at this time, is a bad idea. Legalize it nationally now and large corporations will quickly dominate the market. If states continue to legalize small businesses have time to develop and grow roots.

I don’t know how to I their venom is compared too say, a water moccasin or a Timber rattler, but Copperheads are nasty motherfuckers that will just as soon bite you as look at you. Because of this they are VERY dangerous.

He is gorgeous and amazing! And also I didn’t scroll far enough before responding that I was going to send my two cats to all of my meetings next week as well. They are highly qualified. Look at how smart they look:


The word was born from racism. Its use was/is only for hate. Why use a word completely devoid of any respect, and brimming with hate, in casual conversation and commenting? And how does not spelling it out make you forget its power and meaning?

The fired teacher is African-American. Hope that doesn’t spoil your narrative too much.

I think you may be on to it. I’m not convinced that stooping to the lowest possible level is the solution to our political problems. It may deliver short-term satisfaction, eye-for-an-eye and all that. But once we abandon the values and integrity we believe in, will it render our victory hollow?

I was angry to find out that TVone started showing the Cosby Show reruns again.

These people are going to be sorely disappointed when they die and there is no afterlife.

Mike Pence and Mother approve this message.