
The reason your argument falls apart is that Eilish is not a victim.

I dunno seems kind of like they deserve each other.

I thought the cheetoh dust smearing on your controller handles was a part of the  charm of being a gamer.  

I don’t play league, but I suspect that’s an issue of “not playing right” in such a way that you are repeatedly ruining games for 9 other people.

and a general sense that Democrats took them for granted.

Make sure your timeline allows for resting your meat if you are cooking meat.

And also confirmation bias reinforces all that. The fact is, working at a non-profit makes it impossible to not see cases that aren’t that sympathetic.  Those cases reinforce your prejudices and make you just that much more skeptical towards everyone who walks in the door.

Looking at their website they strike me as moreso the sort of folks who come from the more secular end of the anti-vaxx movement.

Paid workers at non-profits can be some bitter, cynical people, man.

I mean, if you get an inside line on a gig at a nice enough restaurant in New York that’s a real career that isn’t in an industry where most businesses are on a long slowly downward spiral to nothingness.

This confuses the chicken and egg here.

I hear that, but these are public figures. That fame has brought them plenty of fortune. Independent explorations of public events that happened to them based on interviews with people willing to talk about them seem fine, and are only exploiting the same public nature of that person’s life that has given them so much

Eh, Sorkin’s very talented.

If you don’t have a chimney and don’t want to use lighter fluid, you can just lightly douse a few paper towels in whatever kind of cooking oil you have handy, cover the charcoal with it, and light the corners. Relative to using lighter fluid it’s not really any slower and it makes for less cleanp and equipment to keep

It’s gotta be worse than that. Kids are getting hit more in the 2nd wave in India, but it’s still not any more of an issue for most kids than getting the flu.

You’re underestimating how good Youtube is at segmenting people and driving engagement by feeding people a steady stream of content that is similar to what they watch and like.

It’s worth remembering that historically, there’s about 40% of the population that doesn’t vote, doesn’t care about culture, and mostly goes through life blissfully unaware of most of the things that people who are internet commenters really care about.

It makes sense, right? Those of us who grew up with the Reading Railroad are about a decade or two out from the age when you can start thinking about regular live Jeopardy viewing, which I have fond memories of on summer vacation at my grandparents place, whiling away hot afternoons watching Family Fued and Jeopardy

I was going to say that this dude and those other people was fucking over Italian taxpayers so it’s weird to glamorize it (also the fact that he’s going to jail after making ~$40k a year for 15 years which seems like a ... bad tradeoff).