
There’s definitely a class of guys who get into that and in certain contexts male body shaming is a thing, but yeah in general there’s less pressure and a lot of double standards from men about what is an acceptable shape for them and what is an acceptable shape for any women they might want to date.

Sure he’s cool with himself having the beer gut and letting it all hang out, lots of guys are.

Eh, the only problem with kale is that people are substituting it for lettuce when lettuce is perfectly fine for you to eat and also spinach when spinach packs quite a bunch and isn’t nearly as bitter as kale.  Otherwise it’s healthy and can serve as a filler if it’s dressed up properly. 

But there’s still time for us to get what we wanted out of this trial, right?

Also to get reforms and societal changes in place that keep us from being here in the first place.

I don’t think that’s going to happen. Something like 20% of people are onboard with mandatory vaccines, so it’s politically radioactive. 

Vegetables are also used to promote ridiculous diet fads but that doesn’t make vegetables intrinsically evil food items.

So what you’re saying is that some other celebrity watching all of this is about to go on a big long rant about how seeing mannikins modeling clothes triggers them and that specieism is a social construct and we should support everyone’s right to identity as whatever sort of animal they were actually born as and are

Wasn’t that the goal under the Trump admin for everyone who was against his inhuman policies.

Notice how people who say stupid shit like this are never specific about what form that violence should take, how exactly they should employ it, what targets they should strike, how they plan to handle the inevitable overwhelming response from the US government to an insurrection that didn’t peter itself out after a

There is some mention in the pleadings about them retaliating against the organizers, but it’s the union’s pleading, not a ruling based on evidence so who knows.

Of course, there’s always the possibility that this happens, that the NLRB lets another election happen and watchdogs it more closely, and the needle barely moves on the vote.

Except the observations around age & obesity are prevalent enough that it’s a valid response to anecdotes about younger people with high BMI who are healthy. The odds are that their weight will start to have a detrimental impact on their health as they age, and pretending otherwise does no one any favors.

I’m arguing that individual anecdotes of healthy people don’t ever seem to acknowledge that their anecdotes about healthy people with high BMI aren’t actually contradicting the notion that having a high BMI is, generally, unhealthier because those health impacts tend to emerge over the long run, not the short run.

Mostly this isn’t telling us anything we don’t already know, even if some people have been trying to argue that BMI isn’t useful for anything because some doctors use it inappropriately when dealing with individual patients.

I agree, but the bigger protection from that wouldn’t be from officers like this. As far as I know, very few of the police officers involved in these nationally covered shootings of unarmed black men have returned to work as a police officer. Put them on it, sure, but the reason you need to make sure officers who are

I always felt like her being treated as a punchline was mostly from after they divorced (beforehand it was all just sort of creepy), which I think happened before too long.

In terms of the city’s ability to take it from her maybe.  The civil suits that will follow after this on the other hand ... not so much.

Yes it is, and as infuriating as the situation is, it’s probably the appropriate charge here.

I understand fog of war in an instant sort of situation which might lead to a lesser negligent homicide charge but watching the footage, even at normal speed, it’s a number of seconds that she had the pistol up and in her line of sight. Its got to be involuntary manslaughter, at least.