
Just to be clear, she’s not day one as in “Get her right away with a day one edition” but day one as in “This is DLC that will be available to purchase the day of release” correct? Yeah, that sucks. I would’ve given the benefit of the doubt and said that maybe she just wouldn’t be ready by the game’s release, but if

We hope to have a firm announcement before the end of the week. For now, we apologize for any inconvenience.”

Came here hoping to see a comment like this. Not that I don’t like the MJ in this game, but the idea that all there is to her is “pretty” and “damsel and distress” just isn’t true in the long term.

Time Bender was a subtitle I’d considered, but I thought it might be too obvious.... Then again, most chapter titles (at least in TLA: LoK kind of moved away from the trend some) are just the name of the central character, location, or event of that story.

I still want my crossover movie of The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. Add some spirit world, time travel shenanigans in there and it could work!

I learned about Han Solo’s death because some jackass made a Miiverse post on Super Mario 3D World of all things. And its not like you could just avoid it by not looking at Miiverse, because the messages popped up on the loading screens for levels.

Super Mario Warriors

Might be a great excuse to finally give some Final Fantasy games a try. I always missed the boat on them whenever they re-released before.

I don’t think the issue would be so much when its available, but what exactly you’ll zip to. Sometimes its more obvious then others, but if you’ve got a busier rooftop with antenna and chimneys and skylights, it could get confusing.

I agree here. There’s kind of a common narrative that argues or implies that if a person or work is in the public eye, that person or work is obligated to be some kind of political statement or moral leader. And I really don’t like that outlook. Forcing someone to be some kind of advocate or make some deep statement

I appreciate your level of knowledge, but its no fun when jokes are brought down because they aren’t perfect references.

She has some good songs, and when she is good, she’s really good. But when she’s bad... oof. And her guest verses on other artists songs are VERY hit and miss (but I don’t know how writing for guest verses actually works, so that might not be her fault)

Hmm... this is a hewing pretty close to the VR training of the series. Before you know it we’ll all be injected with nanomachines and run by AIs.

Shhh... That doesn’t exist. 4Kids One Piece was all just an awful dream.. that we all somehow shared together. There was never an English One Piece before Funimation’s. Okay?

Totally inaccurate... I don’t think judges use the word “plebs”

That’s true. It still strikes me as a little awkward, but you’re right that training to fight and actually fighting are different things.

Beast Boy is the only one in that image that I actually like how he looks.

This is off topic but... is it weird for Wonder Woman to be calling out Batman for training a kid to fight? Do Amazons not train their kids to fight? Maybe not all of them, but certainly some, yes?

Probably Sonic Forces. I’d say I only had an hour or 2 into it and was just... sooooo bored. Like, Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom are broken messes with mostly lame stories. But at least those can be entertaining in their badness. Forces was just... boring and lifeless. It didn’t even have the decency of being a broken mess

Wow. You crazy, Twitch.