
Daisy, Fortune... and rotating out whichever third character catches my fancy at that particular time was my team of preference. (Or, if I needed a character with a certain skill the other 2 didn’t have)


*”YESSSSSSS!” intensifies* 

Do the button presses feel kind of.. off? I feel like I’m having to press the button earlier than I would on the PS4 to get a “Cool” input. Guess I’ll just have to spend some time on Easy difficulty to get used to it. Or maybe the Lag setting, although I’ve never quite understood how that works.

Either “The Southern Air Temple” or “The Storm.” Both episodes deal with the circumstances/consequences of Aang disappearing for 100 years and the complexity the show gives to Zuko. Or, if you want something with more action,or don’t want to give away Zuko’s sympathetic side right off the bat, “The Spirit World Part

Reading that quote again... How were his actions not “malicious” in light of remarks like that? It wasn’t a “lapse in judgement,” it was deciding to be an asshole and fuck with an event. And as for “apologizing,” I don’t believe him. You can’t just say your sorry when you that blatantly broke the rules, you’re just

Yes. I don’t know if this is an unusual thing for Steam, but I’ve definitely seen it for console games plenty of times before.

Well. Someone found a way to make the moon more disturbing.

I still enjoy the 3DS version, but its made so many changes. And some of the changes are for the better (like the Song of Double Time letting you skip to any hour of the current day, instead of just the next night/day). But I find enough of them tedious (Zora Link’s controls, the changes to boss fights, rewards for

I love Majora’s Mask. I can’t say it quite tops out the list for me... Ocarina of Time is not only great, but it was also my first Zelda game, so there’s a nostalgic touch to it that’s not easy to shake... But its right up there. And its the only Zelda game I do everything in every time I replay it. I care about

Jessie from Team Rocket knew. She caught a Wurmple thinking it would evolve into Beautifly, but when it evolved into Dustox instead, she thought it was even better!

Yeeeesss! So glad to finally have a release date. Loved the PS4 game, now I’m ready to love it on the Switch.

These NPCs kinda look out of place to me in the same way that the ones in Sonic 06 did (I know, over a decade old at this point, but just hear me out). Its not just that they look off, but its more about the way they move. And of course, just for that little bit of extra uncanny feel, there’s voice acting here, but it

Bring back Supernova!

Summoning Salt’s content is so good. Probably watched his video on Mario Kart’s Rainbow Road records a good three or 4 times.

Or trying to be the first person banned from it...

The bomb is definitely what came to my mind first when I saw it the first time.

I like they they actually add in more Spirits when they do updates. I know they’ve done characters from Astral Chain and River City Ransom, for example. (Though, they kind of missed a chance for cross promotion in the RCR batch by not having Misako and Kyoko spirits)

Well, I don’t know about that. Stakes don’t have to be measured in just deaths. For example, Midoriya’s body can’t handle using his power at maximum. But he’s had to resort to doing so in dangerous situations (and just in general at the start when he was learning to use his power and didn’t have a grasp on it yet) so

Well, I don’t know about that. Stakes don’t have to be measured in just deaths. For example, Midoriya’s body can’t handle using his power at maximum. But he’s had to resort to doing so in dangerous situations (and just in general at the start when he was learning to use his power and didn’t have a grasp on it yet) so