
Wasn’t there an eSports team once that had Pornhub as a sponsor?

Kremlings, including K. Rool, actually have appeared in DK games since Microsoft bought Rare. Just... not DKC games.

I thought at first that they might go the Funky Kong route when that trailer started out. Glad they didn’t.

That Metroid is going to completely screw up the ecosystem. Thanks, Space Pirates.

Totally inaccurate... The Zero Suit isn’t that tight around the butt anymore.

The final level of Donkey Kong Country 3. There’s no platforming in it, instead you’re put in this rocket barrel that you have to maneuver down one side of a mountain, and crashing into walls is death, and then back up the other side, and for that part I think you have to go full speed the full time, which easily

Awesome! Obviously it’ll take time, but its cool.

This is kind of what I was thinking too, or something like it. “80 percent” is honestly pretty vague anyway.

Hey, as long as they don’t have the Rugrats twerking, I’d at least give it a chance.

I never watched TailSpin, and to be honest I don’t think I gave it a fair try. I was turned off by the premise “Jungle Book’s Baloo but.. as a pilot?” and didn’t bother giving it a try. Stupid immature kid me.

People are kind of getting on me about the Kale comment. From the discussions I had seen about her, it seemed like people weren’t impressed, but that might just be a bad sample and my impression might’ve been wrong, so apologies to Kale and Kale fans.

I mean.. I’m sure you could find art out there of a shirtless Kale to test your theory. I’m not gonna search for it.

Its kind of fun seeing how split the internet is about Broly. I honestly didn’t know he got a reaction like this, but it makes sense. He’s got no character outside of being a rage monster, but other people like that about him, enjoy just seeing him beat the crap out of everyone.

...There needs to be a system to give out Super Stars, that are worth more than regular stars, and this comment deserves them.

All of us. 

We can’t bring voices into this! That would mean (in English) Piccolo counts as a Vegeta! And a Yamcha!

Anything that ends with dancing, a party, or a dance party. 

PR-wise moves like this never look good, but I feel like its pretty rare that said negative PR actually has repercussions for the company in terms of sales or long term anger.

Nice! I still have my old GC controller adapter, but I honestly could use a new GC controller.

Nice! I still have my old GC controller adapter, but I honestly could use a new GC controller.

All I want to know is how many Z Fighters and Straw Hat Pirates I get. I know its too much to expect all of them, but I hope its more than just a few each. (No disrespect to Naruto meant, I just don’t know it)