Diddler on the Roof

If the Kings trade their center for an inflatable Korean giant, this list will need major revisions.

People offended by peaceful protest agree that solar flares are just a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese and/or Big Science. And they should know, they read it somewhere.

Real question that seems like maybe not a real question, but I assure you it is:

It won’t exactly suck. Disney will delay it for years before they release a movie that by most measures sucks. BUT... it will be bland and not much to stand on other than the “oh neat it’s a star wars movie and I really like star wars” that kept The Force Awakens afloat. More of that throwback shit where the

They all took turns giving it mouth-to-mouth, even though it was clearly unharmed.

Around these parts, that blatant nut shot will be categorized as sassy.

Mr. Sketch scented markers > pens > pencils

Average temperature of Dodger games when I’m in attendance: 107.2

I think Malkin’s face has a moderate role in making a hockey team hateable. On the other hand, secret non-schlub Phil Kessel is a North American treasure.

The Lebron worship is especially weird. I missed the day in math that we discussed Ley’s Theorum: Cocksucker + championship = heroic demi-god.

Despite absolutely not agreeing with their selection process, I’m fine with this. The bigger problem is schools putting athletics above anything else (rape victims, actual education, etc.). If the Fightin’ Orals want to prioritize their stupid principles above athletic-success-at-any-cost, at least they have their