
Follows survivo-douche philosophy perfectly though. Aliens had no problem with M1 Abrams tanks, MLRS and Paladin artillery, the entire Navy and Air Force, as well as the hundreds of thousands of young kids trained in fire-and-maneuver and combined arms warfare, but they're gonna get shut the fuck down by a bunch of

Here in Oklahoma gas was about 1.29 last week, and all I could say was "Drill, baby, drill" as my radio crackled about the tsunami of layoffs hitting the petrochem industry. It's almost like supply-side economics doesn't actually help ANYONE…

It's not so much the state as Prince, himself. The only fitting birth story for him would be "Appeared fully-formed in a blinding ray of purple light some time in the eighties."

Weirdly enough, this one. I wasn't really cognizant enough to unpack the "why", it was the first episode that I just seriously considered turning the Nintendo back on before it ended.

The bigger issue I always have trouble wrapping my head around every time I'm reminded, is that this dude is from freakin' Minnesota. Not Mars, or somewhere else you'd expect.

"A Dracula"? Tommy is that you?

Wants to, yeah, but will fuck everything to absolute death. Just like I *want* to fly an F-18, but gimme a chance and I'm decorating some poor bastard's cornfield with a shiny new crater.

More like Ash vs The Evil Dead. Hands jammed through the skull, plainly visable. Only in this case, the target demographic is able to ignore their presence thru sheer will alone.

Makes me long for the days all we had to do was blacklist a few directors and imprison a few innocent folks to placate the rabid fuck nuggets on the right.

I caught Zathura for the first time a few weeks ago, and actually watched the whole thing. As a follow-up to Jumanji I was pleasantly surprised. Kinda wish instead of rebooting they'd do something with another genre, something kinda 20,000 leagues under the sea-esque.

Except no new regulations are even being put forward. When the background check system was put in place, the loophole that's being exploited at gun shows was so that when a firearm was transferred from a private individual to another, the feds wouldn't need to get involved. They're not even trying to close that, just

Ammo hoarders and these crazy scary creeps acting like they speak for all shooters has done more damage to the hobby than any gun control legislation ever will.

2016, you're just not working. Let's try a mulligan and see if you can get this right.

He made a macro…

Godammit Wookieepedia!!!

I fell in love with Miami Vice the second you see the first muzzle flash, THEN hear the bang. Shooting that final fight without foley work (I swear to God if that wasn't just ambient noise, their foley guy deserves a retroactive Oscar) was a great move.

I came here specifically to see a joke in Yelp! form. A bountiful spread was provided.

Dan Savage, Raging Dude'mo?

All the best to you, IK! I didn't win my battle with depression until I finally broke down and saw a professional five years ago. (Insert Dan Savage "hire a _____" joke here) It still creeps up now and again, but having someone who's seen it all help you through the worst of it makes those down days later down the
