
Or "just turned a wise and worldly 24."

See: orbit, nuked from.

When I started Internetting, words like "baud" were involved.

Oh god! It's been years since I heard about candleja

Something something withholding…

Good from dad: work ethic

*wireless operator starts sweating waiting for a "full stop" that never comes.*

Just wanted to drop by and say Erika Moen and ohjoysextoy are national goddamn treasures.

Whatever we're doing as a species on the natural selection front is CLEARLY not working.

"Yeah… I'm gonna go find one of the 4.5 BILLION women on the planet who don't scare the ever-loving shit out of me. Auf Wiedersehen!"

Reason #6,568,158,254 why CSR's jobs are just the worst.

I just opened up about similar things me and my wife are dealing with, and any partner worth your time will be understanding and patient.

She and I have much better communication now than when it started, there was just the initial awkwardness about bringing this up, though SL is probably one of the better places to do so.

Thank you!

I specifically run into either the types who are excessively harsh "gotta beat the wolf out of 'em for their own good!" or overly flighty new-age hippie weirdos who think their .000005% Cherokee ancestry makes them The Beastmaster.

It's just been killing both of us all the "experts" we've talked to have been less than useless.

I think I gave the wrong impression with my handwringing.

The fact that I pause every time I'm about to bring it up kinda seems like a pretty big red flag. If I were single and on the dating scene, I don't think it would phase me, but since we're talking about aspects of a committed relationship it feels somehow different.

Ah dammit, just going to make the post.

Ugh. That just makes it sound like work. And not the "I love what I do, and I'd do it for free" kind.