
Duuude… Some of us had repressed Tarrasque memories. Read the room. I think my Constitution just took a permanent hit.

So when did passive-aggressively threatening people electronically become the mansome thing to do, again? I thought these gentlemen hunted mammoths, or some such…

Serious question: what the hell does that even mean? I hear it thrown around, but I'm not Internetz Culturally Sensitive enough to know a damn thing about it.

Yesss… But will they DO anything beyond turn off their computers and go cry into their Rei Ayaname love pillows?

::Raises hand so fast, shoulder dislocates violently::


Well, god dammit…

Psst: it's that whole "acknowledging the other groups" part that sticks in their craw. No one gave a shit when they could assume we were all white bible-thumpers and were just covering Christmas and New Years.

"Bah! I refuse to to act like a whinging pussy to "get them on my side!" I'm right,
Goddammit! Everyone else just needs to get the fuck in line!"

::digs out of work and school-induced dark hole::

"And it's an audio Daily Double. Name this continent:"

Happy life day! We made it another year without you declaring Rocks Fall, so I'm filing 2015 in the "win" bin.

But didn't they already remake this? I seem to remember it being called "The Fast and the Furious" that time… And for a given value, it was awesome.

I don't like reboot grit.
It's harsh, and coarse, and gets everywhere.

See, that's the kind of work ethic I can admire


Original text of my reply read "Luke" for anyone who didn't catch it pre-edit. Referee has been fired and his Wookiee bent.

As someone who avoided the EU, I caused the human equivalent of a divide by zero error in a friend of mine who obssessed over it when he pointed out the novels explained that the notoriety came from being able to plot an efficient navigation course. After suffering through a five godamn minute explanation I said, "Uh,

It occurred to me I'd never finished a game of Beyond Earth, though my sister gifted it to me on release day. Knowing Rising Tide is likely to go on sale this month, I decided to start a game so I could finish it before then. I ended up blowing through a whole game in a single setting…

The world was a much more innocent place before it started telling you how much time you were ACTUALLY losing.