
The best part of that gamemode was when you or your buddy cooked off a round too early. If the aim pointer wasn't red, it wasn't quite enough to put someone down, so you just had to cringe while you got blown away, or collect a free kill as the premature triggerman slowly pumped his shotgun.

50% health, no shield shotguns!

I once caught the movie they made about it. It was a LOOOOOONG time ago, so I don't remember much, but I do remember it being reasonable engaging.

The weapon modification system is great, even if I never quite figured it out completely, and PE2 was pretty great. I would advise skipping the rest, as I did, but there may be someone out there with more knowledge than me that can think of something to recommend the later entries.

I want you, to want… Me! In the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame.

Die Pickelhaube?

Huh… People WERE using "The tail wags the dog" before that movie and/or Alex Jones. The things you learn on the internet…

I was speaking specifically about France and England in the case of the first World War. Granted, Britain's imperialist bent on the government side was as strong as ever, but there wasn't a generation of kids signing up by the trainload for the Great Manly Adventure without knowing what they were getting into, and I

The great thing about that group is the longer they hold that view, and the harder it gets to agree with it, the less sway they hold. Like the old imperial powers in World War One and the people running the show in Vietnam, eventually their name is mud and they have to scurry away to a dark hole for a few decades.

The only problem I have with that, is without a systemic understanding of the underlying factors, those kids can be left with a gross misunderstanding not of the problem, but of the scope of the solution. When simply "voting the bastards out" or buying a copy of The Communist Manifesto doesn't work, they're left to

If they'd had any familiarity with one of my favorite graphic novels of all time, I would have used that as the example. The movie took a very British look at Thatcherism and the potential rise of British fascism and turned it into a cack-handed critique of the Bush administration.

At the same time, the structure of this problem is something that "engagement" is going to do fuck-all for. Trickle-down economics has shunted so much wealth, and as a result, power, upward, that the only way this shit gets fixed, is if the people with the power see value in changing. Without some huge disruption of

I definitely see the value in it, but this type of activism lately just pisses me off. It comes off as very smug and condescending. "Oooooh, great rich dude whose fame is largely due to his ex-wife, being a guy getting smooshed by these policies, I had NO IDEA this stuff was happening until you came down from the

Just the info you can glean from the homepage exhausted me. "The Emperor's New Clothes" is to the current generation of wannabe philosophers what "The Parable of the Cave" was to the last (circa Matrix films' releases).

Somewhere I have photos of a two-year old Jeep Wrangler that got traded in to my dealership on my lift while I was inspecting before it went on the lot. $20k in off-road modifications and the undercarriage was clean enough to eat off of.

We call them "Hill Rockets".

Last Christmas season I walked out of a store and surveyed a wasteland of carts abandoned across the enormous parking lot. I think it may have been Christmas Eve, even, because I felt a white-hot rage that haphazard carts don't usually inspire in me. I dropped my shit in my car and spent 15 minutes rounding up carts

Dear god the volume. I can't shop in Spring when the allergy-induced migraine crop comes up for harvest. Being stuck next to one of those things under such conditions is excruciating.

Self-checkout is my "bought a single bottle of shampoo because I was too fucking dumb to remember it last time, scan, toss, swipe, get the fuck out" lane.

I put my time in in the fast food mines. I could take the irate 40 year-old totally okay with coming over the counter at the 90 pound 16 year-old girl who was working front line, therefore had nothing to do with his incorrect drive-thru order. The dithering über-specific oldsters that hold the checkout line up for