
I have a hard time believing any man has or ever will be manlier than Viggo Mortensen, but I'll allow my scale for manliness is differently calibrated. Less John Rambo, more Horatio Nelson.

Just had to remind me of Clearly Canadian, didn't ya?

I think part of it was the most devastating events in Buffy were the real-world threats. Joyce and Tara, specifically. Stuff you can't fight off with a stake or an axe. That's mainly just a part of who I am. Very few horror movies work on me, but show me stuff like The Day After and Threads or The Road, and I

Aaaaaand the Archmage helps me find the kink I didn't even know I had!

One of my favorite things about my wife is her High School yearbook quote: "Does anyone mind if I pass out, now?"

No show could both lift me up into the clouds and/or pound me into the dirt like this one.

Didn't have more than a passing resemblance to a young John Ritter did he?

They also showed Jeff! Goldblum! shutting the alien fighter's shields down with said virus as kind of a "we could fill the next ten minutes with systems architecture lingo to give the six IT nerds on the planet in 1996 massive boners, or just show a practical demonstration that we understand alien systems without a

"They drove it up from the bahamas."

Wasn't there a Civilization game where The Pyramids gave you a free granary in every city? Maybe he's just a huge Sid Meier fan.

I feel on some level Anubis was gonna happen, someday.

Never caught up to that one. He's generally the high point of any film he is in, Scream 2 and The Girl Next Door come to mind, but I can't for the life of me understand why he got stuck in the Hitman movies. The dude has charisma to burn, and that role could have been filled by any decently carved block of wood.

After seeing McShane in Deadwood, Kings, On Stranger Tides, and Hercules, I believe that's just the way he talks in everyday life. I could listen to that man order off the McDonald's menu and be entertained.

You really don't need to look much further than this guy to see the dramatic quality difference between movies and tv nowadays. TV roles: Justified and Deadwood. Movies: Hitman series.

To be fair, that's a little over the average Tesla fan's head. They're the same people busting a nut over those Soviet rocket motors that blew up a Falcon rocket this year.

The big dealership that owned the Nissan place I worked at brought in Maserati by cutting Volvo. All the peole I've met that drive Maseratis I could just as easily picture driving Volvos.

Goddammit, to us Tulsans OKC means something ENTIRELY different!

Goddamn. My mother has baffled me lately. Growing up, my cousin was "out" and I still remember one family Christmas party where he complimented a silky black button-up shirt I was wearing. My now borderline militia uncle made a "better watch out" comment, and my mom ripped him a structurally superfluous new asshole.

Just wait 30 years. "We're too PC! If you're acting like a homo, Imma call you a homo!" ::Applause, GOP Presidential nomination::

Mayo hotel? I imagine you only patronizing the classiest of Tulsa Hotels.