
Hell, I'm a (at least 75%) straight dude who was walking on sunshine the time he got hit on by an absolutely gorgeous gay man. I was still self-conscious enough to let him know I was straight because it feels like a dick move to soak up all the attention and only later say "BTW, not into dudes"

My wife is one of the more attractive members of her belly-dance troupe (which, contrary to Hollywood and the world of porn, is not even overtly sexual), and if I've seen firsthand the obnoxious shit she and her friends had to deal with, I can only imagine what it's like in that line of work.

Actual statistics on home invasions are helpful in that regard. They're not THAT common, though apparently according to the NRA publications I've been told about, there's a little 68 yr-old lady in Texas whose life is a constant firefight to the death. Seems she's shot another PCP'd Mexican Drug Cartel Jihadist every

I sometimes feel I'm the only thing standing between my best friend and hardcore Fox News nuttery. Multiple times he'll run to me with some outrageous crap he got from his dad or his church social circle and I'll lay it out and point to primary sources he can get the actual information from, and calm him down. He's

Even in competition shooting you meet enough creepy people that you can tell are just drooling at the thought that one day they "might" get to use their skills to perforate a human being. Being the lone liberal in the world of Oklahoma Vintage Military Rifle shooting competition is a harrowing experience sometimes,

This board is the first time I've heard the term "ammosexual," and as a sport shooter, I am soooo happy to have that in the the personal lexicon. It's also very unusual for me to have more than 5-10 bullets on hand at any given moment. Before a competition or practice day I'll handload a few dozen, but I don't ever

Upvote for the retirement joke, only. This upvote does not constitute grounds for addition to Kolya's "secret" AVClub sex worker list.

None of that hippy liberal techno crap that requires a degree to learn how to kill people with it, so you're fine. No laser eyes. The high-caliber rotary autocannon nipples on the other hand…

Biggest thing is to be your own advocate, and don't be afraid to ask for what you need (within the bounds of your profession).

::sighs wistfully remembering the cute redhead in high school he pined for until discovering she was hardcore GOP and had been accepted to Ole Miss…::

If anyone can Pilate this project through troubled waters, it's Raimi.

Jesus, this is an argument we're still having?!

You guys are breakin' my heart, here. As someone who's only observed WH from a distance, I've spent the past nearly twenty years under the impression it was all tongue-in-cheek and over the top. It actually takes itself seriously?!

Holy shit, THESE are the words I've been looking for.

The thing that drives me nuts is this seems very "modern anime overly serious". People do remember this was a cutesy, funny game, right? I know we all played it during our "if I scowl enough, I'll be a real badass someday" phase, but the game we played on our TVs vs the one we played in our minds was goofy as fuck. I

Gonna have to Navigate away from this Netscape

See that's always what I wondered about the generation delineation: Is it a hard division on year, or is it what your parents were? I was born in '86, raised by Boomers exactly as described, and while me and my elder sister skew closer to Gen-X, my sister who was born in '88 is solidly, anime-obsessed, modern internet

Preach it, brother/sister/hiphop theropod!

There's been a move in gun safety away from the term "accidental discharge" to "negligent discharge" for every reason you just described. Also, while (at least til this year's final numbers are in) gun deaths are at an all-time low, gun injuries have skyrocketed.

But! Something, something, Puckle Gun!